Here"s Why Using the "Like" & "Comment" Buttons in Your Facebook Marketing Works
Are you on Facebook for business reasons or just social fun? If your on Facebook to make a profit, then I suggest to keep reading.
Currently Facebook is the second most visited website on Earth.
If you are a marketer, and that doesn't get you excited, you may need to check your pulse to make sure your actually alive.
With that being said, there are numerous features and options on Facebook to enable it's users to share, connect and converse with others.
Understanding that the "law of reciprocity" is alive and well on Facebook will allow you to use the platform for business purposes very effectively.
In lamens terms if you do "this" for a friend on Facebook they will usually feel the need to "do it" back to you.
What I'm saying is that if you make positive comments on a friend's post, then they will feel obligated to comment on your posts.
On the same note, if you never comment on other people's posts, pictures, or videos, you will probably never get comments from them.
So this brings us to to effective, but often overseen features on Facebook.
So Simple to use, these two features are often overlooked as ineffective for some reason.
I am referring to the "like" and "comment" buttons.
So when we have our Facebook marketing "caps" on we need to remember that we want people reading our content and interacting, right? So as more interaction occurs, the more exposure your getting from your audience, which results in more prospects wanting to know more about your services/products/business.
Do you see the how this progresses? This is simply a "give & take" relationship between Facebook friends and the creators know this.
This is why you want your daily Facebook activities to be spent reading other's content and clicking the "like" button if you really approve of it.
I'm sure you appreciate it when someone compliments your new haircut or outfit right? It's human nature to enjoy receiving compliments and then give them back to the same person.
It is natural for human beings to enjoy receiving compliments and feeling obligated to return a compliment to the person who gave it.
Now don't think that clicking the "like" button on every post is the answer to successful Facebook marketing.
It's the same in authentic life, people will know that you don't mean it, so don't overuse them in the social media realm.
The "comment" button, for the user, allows more creativity and flexibility by adding the ability of sentences.
Now you can insert your own personal insight to someone's content.
This can be helpful, disapproving or neutral, so weigh up what your going to say cautiously before posting it.
To take it a step further, if your smart, your comments can attract other people to click on your profile to give yourself more exposure.
This is an overlooked procedure.
So be interesting, helpful and enlightening and this will attract others to your profile.
When the "comment" and "like" buttons are used daily in your Facebook marketing They will help generate attention to yourself and a "social buzz" that helps create relationships.
You will look like someone to learn about and follow.
This, eventually, leads to increased traffic, profits & exposure.
Currently Facebook is the second most visited website on Earth.
If you are a marketer, and that doesn't get you excited, you may need to check your pulse to make sure your actually alive.
With that being said, there are numerous features and options on Facebook to enable it's users to share, connect and converse with others.
Understanding that the "law of reciprocity" is alive and well on Facebook will allow you to use the platform for business purposes very effectively.
In lamens terms if you do "this" for a friend on Facebook they will usually feel the need to "do it" back to you.
What I'm saying is that if you make positive comments on a friend's post, then they will feel obligated to comment on your posts.
On the same note, if you never comment on other people's posts, pictures, or videos, you will probably never get comments from them.
So this brings us to to effective, but often overseen features on Facebook.
So Simple to use, these two features are often overlooked as ineffective for some reason.
I am referring to the "like" and "comment" buttons.
So when we have our Facebook marketing "caps" on we need to remember that we want people reading our content and interacting, right? So as more interaction occurs, the more exposure your getting from your audience, which results in more prospects wanting to know more about your services/products/business.
Do you see the how this progresses? This is simply a "give & take" relationship between Facebook friends and the creators know this.
This is why you want your daily Facebook activities to be spent reading other's content and clicking the "like" button if you really approve of it.
I'm sure you appreciate it when someone compliments your new haircut or outfit right? It's human nature to enjoy receiving compliments and then give them back to the same person.
It is natural for human beings to enjoy receiving compliments and feeling obligated to return a compliment to the person who gave it.
Now don't think that clicking the "like" button on every post is the answer to successful Facebook marketing.
It's the same in authentic life, people will know that you don't mean it, so don't overuse them in the social media realm.
The "comment" button, for the user, allows more creativity and flexibility by adding the ability of sentences.
Now you can insert your own personal insight to someone's content.
This can be helpful, disapproving or neutral, so weigh up what your going to say cautiously before posting it.
To take it a step further, if your smart, your comments can attract other people to click on your profile to give yourself more exposure.
This is an overlooked procedure.
So be interesting, helpful and enlightening and this will attract others to your profile.
When the "comment" and "like" buttons are used daily in your Facebook marketing They will help generate attention to yourself and a "social buzz" that helps create relationships.
You will look like someone to learn about and follow.
This, eventually, leads to increased traffic, profits & exposure.