How to Get Garchomp in "Pokemon Platinum"
- 1). Defeat the first three gym leaders: Roark (Rock), Gardenia (Grass) and Maylene (Fighting). Rock type pokemon are weak against grass and water. Grass type are weak against fire. Fighting type are weak against psychic and ghost.
- 2). Visit the Team Galactic Building on the north side of Eterna City. Use the HM Cut to gain access. Battle the Team Galactic thugs until you reach the third floor. Galactic Commander Jupiter is holding two pokemon hostage. Fight her to free them. They belong to the bike store owner. His shop is located south of the Pokemon Center.
- 3). Visit him to claim your reward: a new bicycle. Take the south exit from Eterna City onto Route 206. Ride for a bit battling trainers. Then reverse direction heading north bearing to the left. You will find a secret entrance that leads into a room. Take the stairs down into a secret portion of the Wayward Cave.
- 4). Ride around the cave on your bike. You have a 20 percent chance with each battle of encountering a Gible, the pre-evolved form of Garchomp. The Gible's level will range between 17 and 20.
- 5). Train your new Gible in battle with other trainers. He will evolve into Gabite at level 24 and Garchomp at level 48. He is extremely vulnerable to ice, but strong against electric attacks.