How to Care for Sensitive Skin
- 1). Cleanse your face with a perfume-free, soap-free cleanser. Choose one that is specially made for sensitive skin or acne.
- 2). Moisturize your face with a light fragrance-free moisturizer, not a thick cream which will clog the pores.
- 3). Use a mild soap for your body, not antibacterial which will dry out the skin and moisturize with a fragrance-free body lotion.
- 4). Choose silicone-based foundation and makeup without a lot of chemicals. The standard, less than 10 ingredients, is set by the American Academy of Dermatology.
- 5). Wear a fragrance-free sunscreen of at least 15 SPF if you are going to be in the sun 20 minutes or longer, as recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology. Re-apply often, especially if swimming. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face.
- 6). Wear loose-fitting clothing made from light, absorbent fabric such as cotton to keep moisture from your skin, which will cause skin to become irritated. Wash your clothes in fragrance-free detergent.