Why Mitt Romney Wants More Trade With South America
The United States needs to understand the cultures, religions, and ways of life of all other nations on the planet.
We need not tell everyone else how to live.
Rather we should lead by example, and as they see that our way works best, they will migrate towards those things which are successful in society and civilization.
Currently we are in a little bit of a pickle because we are buying oil from nations who have values counter to our own, and we are buying products from nations which hardly have our best interests in mind.
Competition does the world good, and if we have more nations to trade with, other nations can't hold us over a barrel, literally.
In the 2012 Presidential Debate at the University of Colorado in Colorado, Governor Mitt Romney suggested we needed to do more trade with South America.
He also suggested that the Obama Administration has dropped the ball with free and fair trade agreements with several nations in South America.
On further review and fact checking is what Mitt Romney said actually true? Yes, it appears to be, and our mismanaged trade under the current administration, I find this to be a mistake, a big one.
Further, the Obama Administration has not done well with quelling the demands of the ALBA group, which is a group of South American nations which are socialist or communist and working together as a block, that is to say trade block.
They include amongst others Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, and several other Central American nations.
Depending on whom you ask you could add Paraguay and Argentina to that list.
The nations we need to support in South America include Brazil, Peru, Chile, Colombia, and also after they collapse from their very poor socialist economic policies; Ecuador, Venezuela, and Argentina.
If we can help these nations pick up the pieces after their failed governments fall, we will not only live in a safer world, we will be doing business in our own locality in our own hemisphere.
We will not be reliant on China for our products, nor will we have to let them leverage their preferred trade nation status when it comes to other serious issues such as the Pacific territorial waters which affect nations like Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
Doing more trade with Peru and Chile means we will have safer food products; fish for instance.
What we're getting right now from China is debatably unsafe.
We need fair and free trading policies with the nations of South America, and they are just as important, if not more so for our national security interests, especially if Mitt Romney is correct and we are able to reach energy independence.
Maybe it's time that we have trading partners who will treat us right, and stop taking advantage of us.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
We need not tell everyone else how to live.
Rather we should lead by example, and as they see that our way works best, they will migrate towards those things which are successful in society and civilization.
Currently we are in a little bit of a pickle because we are buying oil from nations who have values counter to our own, and we are buying products from nations which hardly have our best interests in mind.
Competition does the world good, and if we have more nations to trade with, other nations can't hold us over a barrel, literally.
In the 2012 Presidential Debate at the University of Colorado in Colorado, Governor Mitt Romney suggested we needed to do more trade with South America.
He also suggested that the Obama Administration has dropped the ball with free and fair trade agreements with several nations in South America.
On further review and fact checking is what Mitt Romney said actually true? Yes, it appears to be, and our mismanaged trade under the current administration, I find this to be a mistake, a big one.
Further, the Obama Administration has not done well with quelling the demands of the ALBA group, which is a group of South American nations which are socialist or communist and working together as a block, that is to say trade block.
They include amongst others Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, and several other Central American nations.
Depending on whom you ask you could add Paraguay and Argentina to that list.
The nations we need to support in South America include Brazil, Peru, Chile, Colombia, and also after they collapse from their very poor socialist economic policies; Ecuador, Venezuela, and Argentina.
If we can help these nations pick up the pieces after their failed governments fall, we will not only live in a safer world, we will be doing business in our own locality in our own hemisphere.
We will not be reliant on China for our products, nor will we have to let them leverage their preferred trade nation status when it comes to other serious issues such as the Pacific territorial waters which affect nations like Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
Doing more trade with Peru and Chile means we will have safer food products; fish for instance.
What we're getting right now from China is debatably unsafe.
We need fair and free trading policies with the nations of South America, and they are just as important, if not more so for our national security interests, especially if Mitt Romney is correct and we are able to reach energy independence.
Maybe it's time that we have trading partners who will treat us right, and stop taking advantage of us.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.