How to Change a Partition From Logical to Primary
- 1). Click the "Start" button and go to the "Control Panel."
- 2). Double-click the "Administrative Tools"; if you do not see this, click the "Switch to Classic View" link located on the left side of the window. Double-click "Computer Management."
- 3). Click on "Disk Management" located on the left side of the window under "Storage." Click "Next" through the prompts to begin initializing the drive. When the process is complete, a black rectangle will appear with the title "Unallocated," which represents the hard drive at the bottom of the window.
- 4). Right-click the "Unallocated" rectangle and choose "New Partition," and then click "Next."
- 5). Choose "Primary Partition" and click "Next." Having a primary partition for a hard drive is not required, but Windows won't be capable of booting from the drive if it doesn't have one. If you don't wish to create a primary partition, then you can skip to Step 8.
- 6). Choose the amount of space in megabytes that you want to allocate to the primary partition and type it in. If you plan on creating many logical partitions, keep the amount small as the primary partition will not hold any logical partitions.
- 7). Click "Next" when the remaining prompts appear, and then click "Finish." This will initiate the formatting of the new partition. Windows recommends formatting the partition by employing the New Technology File System. You are not allowed to change this unless you have a particular purpose for doing so.
- 8). Right-click the remaining unallocated space, click "New Partition" and then click "Next." Choose the "Extended Partition" and click "Next." Windows will immediately allocate all the remaining hard drive space to the extended partition. Keep this setting as-is because all the logical partitions will be contained within the extended partition.
- 9). Click "Next" through the remaining prompts, and then click "Finish." The
extended partition will appear with a green rectangle labeled "Free
Space." Right-click "Free Space," and then click "New Logical Drive." Click
"Next" twice. - 10
Type in your chosen amount of space in megabytes that you want to allocate
to the first logical partition, then click "Next" through the rest of the
prompts and click "Finish." The first logical partition will now appear and
display on the window as a light blue rectangle. The remaining space of the
extended partition will be labeled "Free Space." - 11
Repeat Steps 9 and 10 until you have successfully subdivided all of the free space into logical partitions. When you are finished, close the Disk Management console.