How to Memorize - Train Your Brain
Being blessed with good memory is one of the best prizes that nature would have bestowed upon you. However, not everyone is blessed with a superior memory and some people would have to work it out to beat those who are gifted. And it is not a bad thing either, as even those gifted with an excellent memory may not be able to sustain their gift and stay ahead of the competition, if they did not exercise their memory skills. The good thing is that anyone could have their memory improved, irrespective of what level they are by default. This would hopefully be a solace for those who are wondering how to memorize, no matter what you may want to memorize. Whether it is for an examination where you might want to reproduce what you read, or it is a public speech where you are nervous about making an impression, you could master how to memorize in simple steps that would make you stand out from the rest of the crowd.
How to Memorize: In general, it would help if you exercised your memory to be able to memorize. People who wonder how to memorize should start off with putting their brains to test and taking their brains into unexplored areas, challenging themselves. It has been established that those who race their brains and enter into challenging areas tend to produce results that are outstanding, in terms of their abilities to memorize. If you are willing to challenge you brain, you would have known how to memorize.
The next step involves practice. The key to the ‘how to memorize' puzzle starts with relentless practice. You need to write down everything that you would want to memorize, including every aspect that you would want to reproduce, either in paper on in speech, such as anecdotes or examples to drive how your point. Then, without making a conscious effort at memorizing, start reading out loud what you have written down, and keep going over it again and again. With every repetition that you make, try taking your eyes off the paper more and more, trying to recall the next lines. If you feel you are getting stuck at certain points, which would most likely be the case, note down the specific points where you have trouble recalling and try forming mental images that equate with those specific points. And keep at it. There is an easy solution to the question, ‘how to memorize'. It is all about training your brain and engaging in systematic and methodical practice.
How to Memorize: In general, it would help if you exercised your memory to be able to memorize. People who wonder how to memorize should start off with putting their brains to test and taking their brains into unexplored areas, challenging themselves. It has been established that those who race their brains and enter into challenging areas tend to produce results that are outstanding, in terms of their abilities to memorize. If you are willing to challenge you brain, you would have known how to memorize.
The next step involves practice. The key to the ‘how to memorize' puzzle starts with relentless practice. You need to write down everything that you would want to memorize, including every aspect that you would want to reproduce, either in paper on in speech, such as anecdotes or examples to drive how your point. Then, without making a conscious effort at memorizing, start reading out loud what you have written down, and keep going over it again and again. With every repetition that you make, try taking your eyes off the paper more and more, trying to recall the next lines. If you feel you are getting stuck at certain points, which would most likely be the case, note down the specific points where you have trouble recalling and try forming mental images that equate with those specific points. And keep at it. There is an easy solution to the question, ‘how to memorize'. It is all about training your brain and engaging in systematic and methodical practice.