How do I Prevent Tearout With a Saber Saw?
- 1). Loosen the blade-locking setscrew with a 1/8-inch Allen wrench where the blade enters the saw blade body. Remove the existing blade.
- 2). Insert the up-cutting blade. Tighten the setscrew. Draw your cut line on the wood with a pencil.
- 3). Turn on the saw. Holding it with both hands, ease it into the wood to be cut. When the blade begins to cut into the wood, apply firm downward pressure to the saw, preventing the saw from bucking or kicking. Move forward along your cut line.
- 1). Draw your cut line on the piece of wood to be cut.
- 2). Position the piece of 1/2-inch MDF underneath the wood to be cut directly underneath the cut line. Clamp the MDF securely to the bottom of the wood, putting a clamp on both ends of the cut line allowing enough room for the saw and blade to pass through.
- 3). Turn on the saw. Ease the blade into the wood, cutting through both pieces of material.
- 1). Draw the cut-line with a pencil. Lay a piece of masking tape over the pencil line. Rub your fingers along the masking tape, creating tight adhesion between the tape and the wood.
- 2). Trace over your cut line again on the masking tape.
- 3). Turn on the saw. Ease the blade into the wood. Cut along the cut line, cutting through the tape and the wood.
Use Both Hands And Right Blade
Use a Backer
Use Masking Tape