Condo Owners Rights
- Many state laws include the right of a condo owner to full ownership of his portion of the establishment, membership and full voting rights within the condo association, and the use of such common facilities as pools, hallways, and recreational areas in accordance with the established documents and regulations of the association. Actions for damage of property or noncompliance with condo rules may be brought by any condo owner.
- Condo owners are allowed some access to the records of a condominium association or corporation. While these regulations vary by state, it is typical for owners to be able to view the records of a corporation, excepting employee information. Condo managers and boards are often leery of condo owners requesting records and will sometimes balk at such a request. Condo owners should be aware as to their rights to request and view copies or records.
- Non-resident owners have a right to the same information provided to resident owners by mail or on bulletin boards within a condominium complex. Many times, condo owners who reside in different areas forget their rights in this area and a forwarding address or e-mail address is not provided to the manager or board. According to an association's rules, condo owners may not be allowed to use certain facilities, such as pools or gyms, if they are not residents.
- Notices must be posted before board meetings so that condo owners may attend. Attendance applies to all board meetings, with the exception of meetings with lawyers to settle ongoing litigation. Annual meetings must be posted two weeks in advance with an agenda, allowing condo owners to prepare for attendance.
- Owners are almost always allowed to vote in elections for condo board staff or members, unless certain provisions stating otherwise are written into the statues of the board. General elections must be announced at least three months in advance, and written notice of such meetings must be posted by mail or on bulletin boards. Board members may be recalled by a majority of owners in a vote by a written agreement or by voting in an assembly.
General Guidelines
Access to Condo Records
Non-Resident Owners
Meetings and Notices