How to Use Boxes to Make Stage Scenery
- 1). Flatten a large cardboard box. With a good drawing pencil, sketch an outline of the stage piece you are designing. If you are drawing a particularly large scenic prop, such as a tree, you may need two or more boxes.
- 2). Cut out, with box cutters, your outline. If you used more than one box, use permanent glue to attach the pieces, applying a thin line of glue right along the edge of each piece.
- 3). Paint or decorate the cut-out. To create a more realistic effect, think about using 3-dimensional materials instead of paint. For example, if you created a tree, gather leaves from outside and attach them to the cut-out with permanent glue.
- 4). Flatten another box and use the box cutters to cut out a triangle, approximately half the width and height of the piece of scenery you created. Attach a triangle cut-out to the back of each scenery piece you create with the permanent glue. This is your kickstand, and will prop your scenery upright. If your scenery piece needs extra support, attach multiple triangle cut-outs to the back.