How to Make a Mold for a Miniature Figurine
- 1). Cut four pieces of acrylic large enough to create a rectangular box that your figurine fits into with at least 1/2 inch of space on each side. Glue the sides together to form a box.
- 2). Cut a piece of acrylic larger than the rectangle, then glue the piece to the bottom of the rectangle. Keeping the new piece larger than the rectangle will make it easier to remove this piece later.
- 3). Press clay into the box until the bottom half of the box is filled with clay.
- 4). Press the butt of the pencil into the clay once near each corner of the box. This creates a peg to align the two halves of the mold.
- 5). Press the figurine into the clay with the base of the figure flush with one side of the rectangle. Submerge half of the figurine below the clay line.
- 6). Apply non-stick spray to the top of the clay and figurine.
- 7). Mix the urethane mix in the cup according to the instructions of your brand of urethane, then fill the box with urethane and leave to sit.
- 8). Flip the box over after the recommended setting time of your urethane, as rest time varies by product. Pull off the large piece of acrylic to provide access to the clay.
- 9). Remove the clay from the box, then spray non-stick spray onto the urethane and figurine. Mix a new batch of urethane and pour into the box and leave to set.
- 10
Remove the urethane pieces from the box, and the figurine from the pieces.