The eco friendly behavior of Harley Davidson
Harley Davidson is the name derived from the real name of two people's. The name Harley came from the name William S Harley who thought to produce a displacement engine when he was 21, he conveyed this message to his friend called Arthur Davidson who was his childhood friend. When these two friends decided to bring this thought in reality then the company named as Harley Davidson motorcycles came into existence. The name was the combination of both the friends and the company came up in the year 1903. This was the time when many companies entered the market. The company slowly started the business; first add was placed in 1905 in the "Automobile and cycle trade journal" which was the leading magazine of those days.
This company came across many up and downs in the business. This company even faced the phase of depression in the manufacturing process, but still the company showed the true potential by coming up biting all the obstacles in the mid way it came across. This company has many special parts but the most special is the step taken by the company towards the environment. This simply means that the company is doing something which is eco friendly and is supporting the environment in the way desired.
Now days there are many environmental related topics popping in the market. The environment is getting affected by many things. The field from which the environment is getting affected is many, and among them automotive industries stands at the top most position, which is even equally responsible to spoil the environment. Due to environmental fluctuations there are many natural calamities taking place which are leading harm to the overall structure of the country. The harm caused by the autos industries is very severe as the ozone blanket is getting affected and also the size of the holes in the blanket are getting minimized and also the layer of the ozone blanket is turning thicker day by day. Due to the ozone layer the dangerous chemicals and the harmful ultra violet rays are blocked within the earth surface because of which the temperature is rising day by day creating the higher level of humidity. These are some of the factors through which the atmosphere is getting affected day by day. Now when the harmful gases such as fuel, diesel, and petrol are excreted from the vehicle after the drive or the ride than the atmosphere is bound to get affected.
But this company has taken a step forward to minimize the level of harmful gases produced by the vehicles. For this purpose the company is carrying number of innovations and research in the development procedure. The option is to even have some electronic vehicles so as to minimize the harm till some extent. In this competitive market it is very difficult to come up with such a technology which will help to boost the sale and at the same time will help to the environment by coming up with such a vehicle which will be 100% environment friendly.
This company came across many up and downs in the business. This company even faced the phase of depression in the manufacturing process, but still the company showed the true potential by coming up biting all the obstacles in the mid way it came across. This company has many special parts but the most special is the step taken by the company towards the environment. This simply means that the company is doing something which is eco friendly and is supporting the environment in the way desired.
Now days there are many environmental related topics popping in the market. The environment is getting affected by many things. The field from which the environment is getting affected is many, and among them automotive industries stands at the top most position, which is even equally responsible to spoil the environment. Due to environmental fluctuations there are many natural calamities taking place which are leading harm to the overall structure of the country. The harm caused by the autos industries is very severe as the ozone blanket is getting affected and also the size of the holes in the blanket are getting minimized and also the layer of the ozone blanket is turning thicker day by day. Due to the ozone layer the dangerous chemicals and the harmful ultra violet rays are blocked within the earth surface because of which the temperature is rising day by day creating the higher level of humidity. These are some of the factors through which the atmosphere is getting affected day by day. Now when the harmful gases such as fuel, diesel, and petrol are excreted from the vehicle after the drive or the ride than the atmosphere is bound to get affected.
But this company has taken a step forward to minimize the level of harmful gases produced by the vehicles. For this purpose the company is carrying number of innovations and research in the development procedure. The option is to even have some electronic vehicles so as to minimize the harm till some extent. In this competitive market it is very difficult to come up with such a technology which will help to boost the sale and at the same time will help to the environment by coming up with such a vehicle which will be 100% environment friendly.