Prime Toy Furniture: Modeling Suggestions
Placing your Furniture in a Way That Works
Have you ever found yourself confused as to the correct layout of your dollhouse furniture?There are many options in furniture layout that you might not have thought of. The two most common layout designs is the triangle and the square. In order to use the triangle design you will need three major pieces of furniture for the room, imagine that they form a triangle and place them accordingly. The square design is used with either three or four types of big pieces of furniture, with four pieces the furniture is places in the corner of an imaginary square. If you have an extra small piece of furniture you can have a five piece square by placing it in the middle. This is only the tip of the iceberg as you can allow your designs to envelop any arrangement of shapes.
Look Down: The Floor in your Kit
Flooring is a very interesting topic because no one really thinks to change it, and yet those that do always turn out more amazing than before. Flooring is often overlooked because it is the base, but that only means that it is really the foundation for your furniture and design choices. It will also add that subtle touch that really upgrades your dollhouse. You have many choices in this decision and every type of flooring will not work for each room - The standard 5 are Carpet, Linoleum, Tile, Stone, and Hard Wood. The most popular choice is carpet, probably because we enjoy carpet so much in our houses. A quick fix to bathroom or kitchen rooms is linoleum and tile. Adding Stone for your deck, hardwood for your living room will add a fun touch - look around and find the best option!
How Many? The reality of that question applied to Miniatures
There is a common question that is asked when getting miniatures: How many pieces of dollhouse furniture should I put in my room?It really depends on the room that you are trying to furnish and how it looks once the furniture is installed. First of all you are not going to want to cram any room with furniture, it is wasteful and distasteful. But secondly if you cram the room with furniture you are missing out on some simple space designing techniques. In the end space needs a balance too, what is there with what is not there. If you notice a space balanced room your eye is more relaxed as it doesn't have to weed out the mess. However, this doesn't mean that you should go to far the other way and place a single chair in an entire room. At the end of the day you will have to come to that balance on your own.
Adding a Mood
Great designers know that in order to have a good layout and design you need to strive for the appropriate mood. Each room has a mood, meaning that there are some underlying purposes for which you would have that room. A great example is a play room where the sole purpose of the room is to have fun and enjoy oneself. One more example would be the bedroom, the most personal quarters, and is designed for only one person. Those dollhouses that are awe inspiring tap into the settings and mood of each room to design it. Visualize what mood you would like to portray in your rooms, for what purposes would they have that room and what particular mood would they set. As you increase your miniaturist talent with your own dollhouses people will notice the particular moods, and even though they can't quite put there finger on it, they will be impressed.
Have you ever found yourself confused as to the correct layout of your dollhouse furniture?There are many options in furniture layout that you might not have thought of. The two most common layout designs is the triangle and the square. In order to use the triangle design you will need three major pieces of furniture for the room, imagine that they form a triangle and place them accordingly. The square design is used with either three or four types of big pieces of furniture, with four pieces the furniture is places in the corner of an imaginary square. If you have an extra small piece of furniture you can have a five piece square by placing it in the middle. This is only the tip of the iceberg as you can allow your designs to envelop any arrangement of shapes.
Look Down: The Floor in your Kit
Flooring is a very interesting topic because no one really thinks to change it, and yet those that do always turn out more amazing than before. Flooring is often overlooked because it is the base, but that only means that it is really the foundation for your furniture and design choices. It will also add that subtle touch that really upgrades your dollhouse. You have many choices in this decision and every type of flooring will not work for each room - The standard 5 are Carpet, Linoleum, Tile, Stone, and Hard Wood. The most popular choice is carpet, probably because we enjoy carpet so much in our houses. A quick fix to bathroom or kitchen rooms is linoleum and tile. Adding Stone for your deck, hardwood for your living room will add a fun touch - look around and find the best option!
How Many? The reality of that question applied to Miniatures
There is a common question that is asked when getting miniatures: How many pieces of dollhouse furniture should I put in my room?It really depends on the room that you are trying to furnish and how it looks once the furniture is installed. First of all you are not going to want to cram any room with furniture, it is wasteful and distasteful. But secondly if you cram the room with furniture you are missing out on some simple space designing techniques. In the end space needs a balance too, what is there with what is not there. If you notice a space balanced room your eye is more relaxed as it doesn't have to weed out the mess. However, this doesn't mean that you should go to far the other way and place a single chair in an entire room. At the end of the day you will have to come to that balance on your own.
Adding a Mood
Great designers know that in order to have a good layout and design you need to strive for the appropriate mood. Each room has a mood, meaning that there are some underlying purposes for which you would have that room. A great example is a play room where the sole purpose of the room is to have fun and enjoy oneself. One more example would be the bedroom, the most personal quarters, and is designed for only one person. Those dollhouses that are awe inspiring tap into the settings and mood of each room to design it. Visualize what mood you would like to portray in your rooms, for what purposes would they have that room and what particular mood would they set. As you increase your miniaturist talent with your own dollhouses people will notice the particular moods, and even though they can't quite put there finger on it, they will be impressed.