How to Morph Using PhotoShop
- 1). Open the image you would like to edit by selecting the menu item "File" and the option "Open." Find the image you would like to edit in the explorer menu, highlight it and then click the "Open" button.
- 2). Select the menu item "Filter" and the option "Liquify" from the drop-down menu.
- 3). Use the "Bloat" tool to exaggerate features by making them bigger. Select a brush size that roughly matches the size of the element you wish to edit, and click the area you wish to expand. The area will continue to expand for as long as you hold down your mouse button.
- 4). Use the "Pinch" tool to shrink and de-emphasize features by making them smaller. The "Brush Density" option will focus the effect of the pinch (if you lower the number in the option from roughly 30 to 40) to isolate the shrinking.
- 5). Use the "Twirl Clockwise" tool to swirl an area of your image. If you would prefer to rotate counterclockwise, hold down the "Alt" key while you use the tool.
- 6). Press the "OK" button when you are satisfied with the changes you have made and wish to apply the liquefaction to your image.