Yielding Gratitude to Remembrance
There is a special kind of gratitude that can be expressed as remembrance.
Remembrance is the calling forth to mind and heart of that which can be known again, born into awareness with greater clarity, compassion and understanding.
Yet it is a knowing of a particular kind that is spoken of.
For gratitude yields good to goodness and acknowledges something deeper and more powerful than our worldly minds to be at the helm of life's passage.
Remembrance as well, is yielding of lesser to greater.
We shed the currency of thought, matter and holdings that we may contain in the moment.
We allow ourselves to behold a greater truth; one that embraces more than daily concerns or the challenges that life has recently presented.
We "remember" that we are spiritual beings infused with the spirit of love which has no limitation.
In this remembrance, core truth of our essential nature, purpose and relationship to one another, life and daily meaning is ushered forth for each of us in a unique way.
It is a humble yet steady gaze at one's true identity, which in turn unleashes gratitude to the Beloved Creator, which each alone must journey towards.
This renewed depth of understanding is brought forth with loving awareness.
Gratitude is a loving awareness of the source of all; it shines the light of radiance back upon itself thus magnifying the reflection.
Remembrance does the same.
It casts a steady gaze at that true thing, purpose or ideal and irradiates it.
That which has become known again is recognized.
We can remember that it is a unified Love that is both our Creator and that which we are destined to Create.
Our understanding of unity needs to deepen as we experience ourselves each to be "re-called as a member of a whole" which is a Life greater than one's own.
This re-collection that emerges as a new unity invites a shift in perception, heart and vision.
Our remembrance prompts the emergence of the awareness that the Presence that we long to unite with is equal in each living being, honored in all life.
We bow with wonder when we learn that we have no limitation other than what is self imposed.
Our hearts bend as we learn that our singular human experience is not isolated from that of others, nor other kingdoms in nature and beyond and that we are all interconnected by a vast and miraculous weave known only by our Source.
To an unseen spectator in a faraway galaxy our collective cognition of the ideals of truth may appear as the ignition of sparks of illuminated suns that lie as a galaxy within, manifesting in the world throughout.
Remembrance in the minds and hearts of all would create a world to be most grateful for indeed.
At each moment then, that I am given to gratitude-I offer myself to remembrance and willingly, happily, yield good to goodness; one to unity and place myself in the current of a love which embraces all with a humble heart.
Remembrance is the calling forth to mind and heart of that which can be known again, born into awareness with greater clarity, compassion and understanding.
Yet it is a knowing of a particular kind that is spoken of.
For gratitude yields good to goodness and acknowledges something deeper and more powerful than our worldly minds to be at the helm of life's passage.
Remembrance as well, is yielding of lesser to greater.
We shed the currency of thought, matter and holdings that we may contain in the moment.
We allow ourselves to behold a greater truth; one that embraces more than daily concerns or the challenges that life has recently presented.
We "remember" that we are spiritual beings infused with the spirit of love which has no limitation.
In this remembrance, core truth of our essential nature, purpose and relationship to one another, life and daily meaning is ushered forth for each of us in a unique way.
It is a humble yet steady gaze at one's true identity, which in turn unleashes gratitude to the Beloved Creator, which each alone must journey towards.
This renewed depth of understanding is brought forth with loving awareness.
Gratitude is a loving awareness of the source of all; it shines the light of radiance back upon itself thus magnifying the reflection.
Remembrance does the same.
It casts a steady gaze at that true thing, purpose or ideal and irradiates it.
That which has become known again is recognized.
We can remember that it is a unified Love that is both our Creator and that which we are destined to Create.
Our understanding of unity needs to deepen as we experience ourselves each to be "re-called as a member of a whole" which is a Life greater than one's own.
This re-collection that emerges as a new unity invites a shift in perception, heart and vision.
Our remembrance prompts the emergence of the awareness that the Presence that we long to unite with is equal in each living being, honored in all life.
We bow with wonder when we learn that we have no limitation other than what is self imposed.
Our hearts bend as we learn that our singular human experience is not isolated from that of others, nor other kingdoms in nature and beyond and that we are all interconnected by a vast and miraculous weave known only by our Source.
To an unseen spectator in a faraway galaxy our collective cognition of the ideals of truth may appear as the ignition of sparks of illuminated suns that lie as a galaxy within, manifesting in the world throughout.
Remembrance in the minds and hearts of all would create a world to be most grateful for indeed.
At each moment then, that I am given to gratitude-I offer myself to remembrance and willingly, happily, yield good to goodness; one to unity and place myself in the current of a love which embraces all with a humble heart.