Why Are Teeth Whitening Processes Inconsistent?
Many people wonder why the same teeth whitening procedure used by their neighbors work better while it produces dull results in their cases. Well, no, the teeth whitening products do not have different concentrations in each kit. It is because teeth whitening depends on a lot of factors and the same white cannot be achieved in all the cases. There are various factors at work and they can be controllable or not. It is in variation in different persons. There is no way a product can guarantee the same whiter teeth for all users of the product.
The color of a person's teeth can have a major role to play in case of teeth whitening. It is seen that people with yellowish hue on their teeth respond better to the whitening process. Many teeth develop grayish or brownish tinges due to consumption of various medications or dark colored staining beverages such as coffee. Fluorosis can also make the teeth dark brown which does not show dramatic effects on teeth bleaching. Also, the effect can only whiten the teeth up to our natural teeth color. So the expectation of whiter teeth should be within limitations.
It is necessary to remove all the stains and deposits from the teeth before going for teeth whitening. This will ensure that the teeth whitening products can have optimal contact with the surface of the teeth. The whitening for teeth is also directly dependant on the concentration of the whitening solution. The higher the concentration, the better is the whitening. But higher concentrations can also be harmful for the teeth and the tissues of the mouth. So a delicate balance in the concentration is to be achieved to get fairer whitening whilst doing no such damage to the mouth.
Each teeth whitening product requires different time to take optimal effect. The solutions remain in direct contact with the surface of the teeth. Manufacturers usually specify the duration of the application of that particular concentration of the solution over your teeth. Keeping the system for less or more time can affect the teeth and the whitening. Always comply with the instructions as they are directed for the safer use of the products. Choose a solution that is employed in the neutral pH range. This ensures that there is no increased sensitivity in the teeth.
The most important thing to keep in mind is to develop a healthy oral habit. Before the application of these tooth whitening products make sure to brush and floss in order to get rid of food debris and small particles lodged in your teeth. Good dental hygiene can make your smile brighter and give you whiter teeth. Avoid the consumption of dark colored acidic food and drinks or the consumption of tobacco. Little things can go a long way in oral hygiene. Also it has to be remembered that the effect of teeth whitening varies from person to person. So instead of cribbing about other people's results, it is best to concentrate on what works best for you. This is the secret for a clearer and whiter smile.
The color of a person's teeth can have a major role to play in case of teeth whitening. It is seen that people with yellowish hue on their teeth respond better to the whitening process. Many teeth develop grayish or brownish tinges due to consumption of various medications or dark colored staining beverages such as coffee. Fluorosis can also make the teeth dark brown which does not show dramatic effects on teeth bleaching. Also, the effect can only whiten the teeth up to our natural teeth color. So the expectation of whiter teeth should be within limitations.
It is necessary to remove all the stains and deposits from the teeth before going for teeth whitening. This will ensure that the teeth whitening products can have optimal contact with the surface of the teeth. The whitening for teeth is also directly dependant on the concentration of the whitening solution. The higher the concentration, the better is the whitening. But higher concentrations can also be harmful for the teeth and the tissues of the mouth. So a delicate balance in the concentration is to be achieved to get fairer whitening whilst doing no such damage to the mouth.
Each teeth whitening product requires different time to take optimal effect. The solutions remain in direct contact with the surface of the teeth. Manufacturers usually specify the duration of the application of that particular concentration of the solution over your teeth. Keeping the system for less or more time can affect the teeth and the whitening. Always comply with the instructions as they are directed for the safer use of the products. Choose a solution that is employed in the neutral pH range. This ensures that there is no increased sensitivity in the teeth.
The most important thing to keep in mind is to develop a healthy oral habit. Before the application of these tooth whitening products make sure to brush and floss in order to get rid of food debris and small particles lodged in your teeth. Good dental hygiene can make your smile brighter and give you whiter teeth. Avoid the consumption of dark colored acidic food and drinks or the consumption of tobacco. Little things can go a long way in oral hygiene. Also it has to be remembered that the effect of teeth whitening varies from person to person. So instead of cribbing about other people's results, it is best to concentrate on what works best for you. This is the secret for a clearer and whiter smile.