How to Make an Address List in OpenOffice
- 1). Open OpenOffice Writer.
- 2). Click on "File" in the menu bar. Highlight "Wizards," and click on "Address Data Source."
- 3). Select your external address book. Click "Next."
- 4). Select the "Table" that contains the addresses you wish to import. Click "Next."
- 5). Specify the directory where you wish to store your address list, and name the address list. Check "Make this address book available to all modules in" Click "Finish."
- 1). Download and extract the Family Address Book Extension for OpenOffice (see Resources for link).
- 2). Open Family AddressBook.
- 3). Import address data by copying fields in an OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet. Click on "Tables" in the left "Database" column of Family Address Book. Right-click on "InformationTable," and left-click on "Paste."
- 4). Add new addresses to the address list by clicking on "Forms," then selecting "Add New Family." Fill out the fields you want to include, and save as you add new entries.
- 1). Click on "Tools," then "Mail Merge Wizard."
- 2). Choose your document preference, then click on "Next."
- 3). Select "Letter" or "Email" as your document type, and click on "Next."
- 4). Click "Select Address List." Click "Create."
- 5). Fill out one entry, skipping any fields you do not wish to use. Click "OK" when done.
- 6). Type in a "File Name." The file type should be set as CSV. Click "Save."
- 7). Click "Cancel" twice.
- 8). Click on "Open" in the menu bar. Navigate to the CSV file you saved earlier and double-click it.
- 9). Click on "Tab" and "Comma" in the "Separated By" section. Click "OK."
- 10
Add new entries. Save prior to exiting the address list.
Import Address Data
Family Address Extension
Use Mail Merge