Digital Photo Prints For Display at a Profit
Even though photographic print displays are a professional photographers best form of advertising many professional photographers feel displays of their digital photo prints are a "have to" job, a pain and a big cost.
How about refocusing your thoughts and make photo print displays an exciting part of your professional portrait photography studio to enhance your cash flow and profits.
How? Read on! We will discuss several methods to get sample display prints at a profit plus later articles will also explain how to find and get display locations.
Method 1.
Sell the idea during your initial customer phone contact.
Someone calls you about a professional portrait opportunity and inquires about how much a 16x20 portrait costs.
Say "It's great you called today!", we are right in the middle of; just starting our; in the final two weeks of our preparations for our nifty next display.
" Talk a little about the fun, excitement and prestige of portrait displays.
Mention that you could include them in your next display and they could get a regular display size* for only a little more than the cost of the 16x20 portrait.
This display size is actually a 20x30 digital photo print, the little more could be the cost of a 20x24 print.
You will GET this portrait session, your 1st priority, plus you will get a display sample and make more money than you would have from just the 16x20 portrait.
Method 2.
Sell display prints during your portrait sales presentations.
You show several larger size portraits to your customer.
Assume she is balking at the price or the idea of a wall print.
The pride and prestige of being in a photographic print display can overcome both of these objections.
Get her excited about your current or next portrait display.
The idea of being in a display will melt her resistance to a wall picture.
Ask her if someone on your staff had mentioned your 'Display Option' to her.
She will be curious now.
Explain you could let her have the picture she had been considering for $x because she would let you borrow it for a few weeks while it is on display.
You could alternately offer her a print one size larger for the regular price of the print she had picked, sort of a display BONUS.
This way you would not be discounting, just giving more value.
How about refocusing your thoughts and make photo print displays an exciting part of your professional portrait photography studio to enhance your cash flow and profits.
How? Read on! We will discuss several methods to get sample display prints at a profit plus later articles will also explain how to find and get display locations.
Method 1.
Sell the idea during your initial customer phone contact.
Someone calls you about a professional portrait opportunity and inquires about how much a 16x20 portrait costs.
Say "It's great you called today!", we are right in the middle of; just starting our; in the final two weeks of our preparations for our nifty next display.
" Talk a little about the fun, excitement and prestige of portrait displays.
Mention that you could include them in your next display and they could get a regular display size* for only a little more than the cost of the 16x20 portrait.
This display size is actually a 20x30 digital photo print, the little more could be the cost of a 20x24 print.
You will GET this portrait session, your 1st priority, plus you will get a display sample and make more money than you would have from just the 16x20 portrait.
Method 2.
Sell display prints during your portrait sales presentations.
You show several larger size portraits to your customer.
Assume she is balking at the price or the idea of a wall print.
The pride and prestige of being in a photographic print display can overcome both of these objections.
Get her excited about your current or next portrait display.
The idea of being in a display will melt her resistance to a wall picture.
Ask her if someone on your staff had mentioned your 'Display Option' to her.
She will be curious now.
Explain you could let her have the picture she had been considering for $x because she would let you borrow it for a few weeks while it is on display.
You could alternately offer her a print one size larger for the regular price of the print she had picked, sort of a display BONUS.
This way you would not be discounting, just giving more value.