Many Advantages Are Gained By The Homeowner When The Decision Is Made To Buy Home Security
The Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) belonging to the FBI reports that the United States had more than two billion burglaries occur during 2008. Since 2007, this was an actual increase of approximately two percent. For the year, this made up for more than twenty-two percent of the property crime committed. Currently, 2009 statistics are in the preliminary stages, but these statistics are reason enough to buy home security.
Burglary is defined by the UCR as an unlawful entry into a structure to commit either a felony or theft. There are three different subclassifications associated with burglary that include forcible entry, attempted forcible entry and entry when no force is used. A structure can be anything that is considered a permanent dwelling, but not an automobile.
When considering the purchase of a home security system, the benefits can be for the protection of not only personal belongings, but the safety of the family as well. Just the presence of a security system can be enough to deter the prospective criminal from entering. It actually reverts to an old saying from long ago, that locks are mainly to keep honest people honest.
Consider family protection as a priority, because more than sixty-one percent of the two million burglaries were actually forcible entries. Thirty-two percent of these cases involved unlawful entry. Over half of these burglaries committed involved people that would have derived benefit by an alarm system in their home. Personal property is not as important as life, but it can also be protected in most cases.
Over seventy percent of all burglaries committed happened were residential in nature and resulted in the loss of property. The average cost of these burglaries total a little over two thousand dollars per offense and the accumulated total is more than four million dollars. Purchasing a security system will cost a great deal less than that of one burglary in most cases.
A great option to protect both the family and home is to install a new security system. There are a large variety available and some have available monitoring so that home can be seen from anywhere at any time. No price can be put on the peace of mind knowing that both the home and family are protected in case of many different emergency situations. Be the home on the block that the burglar does not have time to take a chance on.
Burglary is defined by the UCR as an unlawful entry into a structure to commit either a felony or theft. There are three different subclassifications associated with burglary that include forcible entry, attempted forcible entry and entry when no force is used. A structure can be anything that is considered a permanent dwelling, but not an automobile.
When considering the purchase of a home security system, the benefits can be for the protection of not only personal belongings, but the safety of the family as well. Just the presence of a security system can be enough to deter the prospective criminal from entering. It actually reverts to an old saying from long ago, that locks are mainly to keep honest people honest.
Consider family protection as a priority, because more than sixty-one percent of the two million burglaries were actually forcible entries. Thirty-two percent of these cases involved unlawful entry. Over half of these burglaries committed involved people that would have derived benefit by an alarm system in their home. Personal property is not as important as life, but it can also be protected in most cases.
Over seventy percent of all burglaries committed happened were residential in nature and resulted in the loss of property. The average cost of these burglaries total a little over two thousand dollars per offense and the accumulated total is more than four million dollars. Purchasing a security system will cost a great deal less than that of one burglary in most cases.
A great option to protect both the family and home is to install a new security system. There are a large variety available and some have available monitoring so that home can be seen from anywhere at any time. No price can be put on the peace of mind knowing that both the home and family are protected in case of many different emergency situations. Be the home on the block that the burglar does not have time to take a chance on.