Dog Diseases & Conditions
- Lyme disease is contracted through ticks that carry the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. This disease damages many parts of the dog, including major organs. Symptoms include high fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a loss of appetite. If not treated, your dog can become very sick and could die. Your vet will put your dog on oral antibiotics if his blood test proves positive for Lyme disease. There is a vaccine for prevention available from your vet.
- If your dog is demonstrating odd behavior, it may be senior dementia. Standing headfirst in corners or going to the wrong side of the door are a few of the symptoms. He may stop greeting family members and appear more anxious than usual by pacing around the house. Loss of appetite and sleep irregularities may also be present. If any of these signs are prevalent in your dog, take him to the vet.
- A highly contagious disease that affects the gastrointestinal or cardiac systems of dogs is a Parvovirus (Parvo) infection. This viral infection that appears suddenly is caused by bacteria found in stagnant water. This can be deadly if your dog is not treated. Symptoms are lethargic behavior, vomiting and loss of appetite. The predominant symptom is bloody and urgent diarrhea. Contact your vet at the first sign of this infection for medication.
- Mosquitoes spread heartworm, which is a common disease in dogs. The quickly multiplying worms cause arterial blockage, and your dog can die from cardiac arrest if not treated. Initially, there are no visible symptoms. In later stages, the dog becomes lethargic with shortness of breath, eventually not moving at all. Your vet should be contacted immediately if symptoms are present. This disease is preventable with heartworm prevention medication from your vet.
- Distemper affects the dog's nervous system, along with sense of smell, sight and hearing. Distemper is transmitted when your dog comes in contact with the feces or urine of an infected animal. Dogs with distemper have early symptoms that resemble a cold with nasal and eye discharge. They may also have diarrhea and vomiting. Incoherency and being off-balance are later stage neurological symptoms. Distemper offers a very low survival rate, so get your dog to a vet immediately.
Lyme Disease
Senior Dementia
Parvovirus (Parvo) Infection