How to Be a Total Tomboy
- 1). Try a shorter haircut similar to the one Hilary Swank wears in "Boys Don't Cry." If you're feeling brave, consider shaving everything ala Sigourney Weaver in "Aliens" and Demi Moore in "G.I. Jane."
- 2). Change up your wardrobe. Try out gym clothes like Swank's in "Million Dollar Baby" or camouflage or other military gear like Weaver in the "Aliens" saga and Moore in "G.I. Jane." Or you can just wear clothes that most guys wear. For example, wear baggy jeans instead of tight-fitting ones. Wear other kinds of clothes that will hide a feminine physique, such as an oversized sweatshirt.
- 3). Join a sports team or spend a lot of time at a local gym or YMCA. Visit the freeweight section of a gym. These are usually dominated by men. Observe what they wear, and how they interact with each other - if the testosterone in the room doesn't overwhelm you. Hold your own with the boys in the boxing ring. If Hillary Swank can spar with Clint Eastwood in "Million Dollar Baby," you can win a fight or two with enough training.