Reasons To Remain Friends With An Ex-Boyfriend
What reasons could there possibly be to remain friends with an ex-boyfriend? Or an ex-girlfriend? Of course, each situation is unique, so you may or may not want to remain friends with your ex, but let me give you some reasons why it could work.
One: this person has seen you naked, for God's sake. He--or she--knows you real well. He's heard you belch and fart. He's seen you without makeup and he's probably even given you a kiss before you brushed your teeth. When someone has seen you at your worst, and has loved you in spite of it...well, that's probably a good person to have around, even just for friends.
That's providing that you two can get past whatever split you up. You'll both have to behave like adults for that to happen, though. Difficult, I know, but not impossible.
Another reason is that you two were together for how long? Weeks? Well, not so much. Months, either. But years? Why would you want to let that time that you invested in him go completely to waste? I speak from experience when I say that there just might come a time when that ex-boyfriend might really come in handy...
Come with me down memory lane for just a few minutes...a couple of months ago, I decided that I just had to "get away". I booked a weekend at a condo in Galveston (No, I couldn't afford to,but I did anyway.) I bought a special bottle of vodka to bring with me, because I was ready for a buzz. I brought my things in from the car (my daughter's), and after I kicked off my shoes and put the pizza in the oven, I started to drink. My best friend and I chatted on the phone for what seemed like hours, until e v e r y t h i n g that was in my stomach started to come up. Not a very pretty picture.
I got myself in bed and I slept reasonably well, but upon waking the next (or, that) morning, I began my descent into hell. I do not know how many times I had to rush to the bathroom, but I do know that I was sure I was going to die by about four that afternoon. I had no one else available that I could call for help, so I called my ex. He stopped what he was doing, and drove almost a hundred miles to get to me,so he could save my life with crackers and chicken soup.
I gained a new respect for him that weekend, and so did my children, who had fervently hated him until then. Now remember, this man is the same man that I considered to be the worst thing that ever happened to me,and now--much to my chagrin--he is staying with me until he gets back up on his financial feet. (Different bedrooms; we are just friends.)
When you've made a substantial emotional investment in a relationship, it changes you forever. If you cared enough about him to spend part of your life with him, then he's gonna be with you forever anyway, in one form or another. It feels better, inside, to remain friends than to be enemies. Do you really have so many friends that you can afford to turn one away? Especially one that knows you better than most?
One: this person has seen you naked, for God's sake. He--or she--knows you real well. He's heard you belch and fart. He's seen you without makeup and he's probably even given you a kiss before you brushed your teeth. When someone has seen you at your worst, and has loved you in spite of it...well, that's probably a good person to have around, even just for friends.
That's providing that you two can get past whatever split you up. You'll both have to behave like adults for that to happen, though. Difficult, I know, but not impossible.
Another reason is that you two were together for how long? Weeks? Well, not so much. Months, either. But years? Why would you want to let that time that you invested in him go completely to waste? I speak from experience when I say that there just might come a time when that ex-boyfriend might really come in handy...
Come with me down memory lane for just a few minutes...a couple of months ago, I decided that I just had to "get away". I booked a weekend at a condo in Galveston (No, I couldn't afford to,but I did anyway.) I bought a special bottle of vodka to bring with me, because I was ready for a buzz. I brought my things in from the car (my daughter's), and after I kicked off my shoes and put the pizza in the oven, I started to drink. My best friend and I chatted on the phone for what seemed like hours, until e v e r y t h i n g that was in my stomach started to come up. Not a very pretty picture.
I got myself in bed and I slept reasonably well, but upon waking the next (or, that) morning, I began my descent into hell. I do not know how many times I had to rush to the bathroom, but I do know that I was sure I was going to die by about four that afternoon. I had no one else available that I could call for help, so I called my ex. He stopped what he was doing, and drove almost a hundred miles to get to me,so he could save my life with crackers and chicken soup.
I gained a new respect for him that weekend, and so did my children, who had fervently hated him until then. Now remember, this man is the same man that I considered to be the worst thing that ever happened to me,and now--much to my chagrin--he is staying with me until he gets back up on his financial feet. (Different bedrooms; we are just friends.)
When you've made a substantial emotional investment in a relationship, it changes you forever. If you cared enough about him to spend part of your life with him, then he's gonna be with you forever anyway, in one form or another. It feels better, inside, to remain friends than to be enemies. Do you really have so many friends that you can afford to turn one away? Especially one that knows you better than most?