How Much Of Our Lives Will We Let Them Take Over?
A Boy Can't Fly The U.S. Flag On His Bike? Really?
by Michael D. Hume, M.S.
Sometimes I really have to wonder about the "political correctness" of California, one of my home states. In fact, in California, "political correctness" is really just a politically-correct term for "liberal insanity." And these days, it seems the state's PC Police have a real thing about the U.S. flag.
They do not want it displayed.
If you listen to the liberal media in California, they'd have you believe the U.S. Flag is a symbol of hate, and of racism.
The U.S. flag, for which generations of Americans (of all races) have fought, bled, and sacrificed their lives... it's a symbol of hate and racism?
As you may recall, the last time we heard from the Golden State on this issue was in May, around the time of Cinco de Mayo, when kids in a California town were ordered by their school to go home and change into less offensive clothing - because they were wearing American flag t-shirts. The school explained that the immigrant kids from Mexico, who wanted to display the Mexican flag and pay homage to the Mexican holiday, were offended by the display of the U.S. flag (on ostensibly American soil) on that special day.
Where were the parents of these immigrant kids, I wondered? Were none of them U.S. military veterans, who might've explained the real meaning of the Stars And Stripes to their children, and who might've told them that if any flag should be banned in America, it shouldn't be the American flag?
Now today, the news includes another item from California in which a 13-year-old boy was told he was not allowed to fly the U.S. flag on his bicycle, which he rides to and from school. It's a symbol of hate and racism, he was told, and causes problems "we just don't want to deal with at school."
I have mentioned before that the liberals have taken over our education system, and this is more evidence. For crying out loud, if there's one thing they should be "dealing with at school," it's giving kids a real education about what the flag means, what the flag and the nation stand for, and why it's not only OK but encouraged to fly the flag on your bike - or anywhere else!
The boy in question says he complied with the school's wishes, but he did question why it was bad for him to fly his flag. We're supposed to be free, he said.
And we are.
To that boy, I say: Good for you. It's a good thing that you care enough about your country and your veteran relatives that you're willing to fly your flag. I hope you want to get into business for yourself someday... I would be pleased to be your partner! And it's a good thing that you're riding your bike to school, too, by the way. Good for your health! And it's a good thing that you both questioned the order and complied with it. Your mother and father are proud, I'm sure... and so are your Founding Fathers, if they're watching.
The whole concept behind liberalism is the progressive march toward control over every aspect of our lives. Every time we let them take another seemingly-unimportant freedom away from us, it's the same as letting them march us another seemingly-harmless step closer to the edge of the cliff. Here's hoping we manage to pull up short of the abyss.
But in California, it seems the PC Police are still after your Old Glory. What can you expect from a state with a Red Star on its own flag?
by Michael D. Hume, M.S.
Sometimes I really have to wonder about the "political correctness" of California, one of my home states. In fact, in California, "political correctness" is really just a politically-correct term for "liberal insanity." And these days, it seems the state's PC Police have a real thing about the U.S. flag.
They do not want it displayed.
If you listen to the liberal media in California, they'd have you believe the U.S. Flag is a symbol of hate, and of racism.
The U.S. flag, for which generations of Americans (of all races) have fought, bled, and sacrificed their lives... it's a symbol of hate and racism?
As you may recall, the last time we heard from the Golden State on this issue was in May, around the time of Cinco de Mayo, when kids in a California town were ordered by their school to go home and change into less offensive clothing - because they were wearing American flag t-shirts. The school explained that the immigrant kids from Mexico, who wanted to display the Mexican flag and pay homage to the Mexican holiday, were offended by the display of the U.S. flag (on ostensibly American soil) on that special day.
Where were the parents of these immigrant kids, I wondered? Were none of them U.S. military veterans, who might've explained the real meaning of the Stars And Stripes to their children, and who might've told them that if any flag should be banned in America, it shouldn't be the American flag?
Now today, the news includes another item from California in which a 13-year-old boy was told he was not allowed to fly the U.S. flag on his bicycle, which he rides to and from school. It's a symbol of hate and racism, he was told, and causes problems "we just don't want to deal with at school."
I have mentioned before that the liberals have taken over our education system, and this is more evidence. For crying out loud, if there's one thing they should be "dealing with at school," it's giving kids a real education about what the flag means, what the flag and the nation stand for, and why it's not only OK but encouraged to fly the flag on your bike - or anywhere else!
The boy in question says he complied with the school's wishes, but he did question why it was bad for him to fly his flag. We're supposed to be free, he said.
And we are.
To that boy, I say: Good for you. It's a good thing that you care enough about your country and your veteran relatives that you're willing to fly your flag. I hope you want to get into business for yourself someday... I would be pleased to be your partner! And it's a good thing that you're riding your bike to school, too, by the way. Good for your health! And it's a good thing that you both questioned the order and complied with it. Your mother and father are proud, I'm sure... and so are your Founding Fathers, if they're watching.
The whole concept behind liberalism is the progressive march toward control over every aspect of our lives. Every time we let them take another seemingly-unimportant freedom away from us, it's the same as letting them march us another seemingly-harmless step closer to the edge of the cliff. Here's hoping we manage to pull up short of the abyss.
But in California, it seems the PC Police are still after your Old Glory. What can you expect from a state with a Red Star on its own flag?