7 Tips To Help You Survive the Yule Season
Wondering how you can survive the stress of the holiday season during Yule? Here's a bunch of great tips on getting through Yule. Learn how to get through Yule with your budget intact, dealing with your non-Pagan family, keeping your weight under control, and more!
Wondering how you can survive the Yule holidays without going into more debt than you can handle? Here are some great tips on how to have a Yule season that fits into your budget.More »
The winter holidays should be a time of joy and happiness, but for many people they become a huge source of stress and frustration. Learn how to recognize holiday burnout, and how to avoid it in the first place.More »
In some families, the holiday get-together is something we look forward to. In fact, it may be the only time you even see some members of your family. However, if you're a Pagan or Wiccan, and the rest of them aren't, there are times when the winter holidays can be a bit awkward. Learn what you can do to make the season's celebrations a bit more harmonious.More »
As if the stress of the holiday season wasn't enough already, there's always a lot of pressure to eat, drink and be merry at Yule. Being merry is great, but eating and drinking can make you pack on a lot of extra pounds. Here are some tips on how you can keep your weight under control at Yule.More »
A reader wants to know - even though she's not Christian, can she still set up a tree for the winter holidays? A lot of modern Pagans find a way to blend the Christmas traditions of their childhood with the Wiccan or Pagan beliefs they've come to embrace as adults. So yes, you can have a family Yule celebration and still have a holiday tree.More »
Got little ones running around, and not sure how to incorporate your Pagan beliefs into the commercialized Christmas excitement that they're exposed to? Here are some great ideas on how you can teach your children about your spiritual path, and celebrate the Yule season together as a family.More »
A reader wants to know if there are any good Pagan-themed songs for Yule, or if she should just substitute the names of her gods into Christian songs. Find out the answer, and share your suggestions for Pagan-friendly holiday songs!
Are you planning your Yuletide celebrations? Be sure to sign up for our free seven-day e-class, Get Ready For Yule!More »
•Have a Budget-Friendly Yule
Wondering how you can survive the Yule holidays without going into more debt than you can handle? Here are some great tips on how to have a Yule season that fits into your budget.More »
•Have a Low-Stress Yule
The winter holidays should be a time of joy and happiness, but for many people they become a huge source of stress and frustration. Learn how to recognize holiday burnout, and how to avoid it in the first place.More »
•Dealing With Your Non-Pagan Family
In some families, the holiday get-together is something we look forward to. In fact, it may be the only time you even see some members of your family. However, if you're a Pagan or Wiccan, and the rest of them aren't, there are times when the winter holidays can be a bit awkward. Learn what you can do to make the season's celebrations a bit more harmonious.More »
•Keep Your Weight in Check at Yule
As if the stress of the holiday season wasn't enough already, there's always a lot of pressure to eat, drink and be merry at Yule. Being merry is great, but eating and drinking can make you pack on a lot of extra pounds. Here are some tips on how you can keep your weight under control at Yule.More »
•I'm Pagan - Can I Have a Holiday Tree?
A reader wants to know - even though she's not Christian, can she still set up a tree for the winter holidays? A lot of modern Pagans find a way to blend the Christmas traditions of their childhood with the Wiccan or Pagan beliefs they've come to embrace as adults. So yes, you can have a family Yule celebration and still have a holiday tree.More »
•Celebrating Yule with Children
Got little ones running around, and not sure how to incorporate your Pagan beliefs into the commercialized Christmas excitement that they're exposed to? Here are some great ideas on how you can teach your children about your spiritual path, and celebrate the Yule season together as a family.More »
•Can I Sing Pagan Yule Songs?
A reader wants to know if there are any good Pagan-themed songs for Yule, or if she should just substitute the names of her gods into Christian songs. Find out the answer, and share your suggestions for Pagan-friendly holiday songs!
Are you planning your Yuletide celebrations? Be sure to sign up for our free seven-day e-class, Get Ready For Yule!More »