How to Install Crown Molding on a Coped Joint
- 1). Cut the edge of your first piece of crown molding at 90 degrees on your miter saw (a straight cut across the wood). Install it in the upper corner of the ceiling with your trim nailer, letting the end of the trim butt fully against the adjacent wall.
- 2). Set your second piece of molding flat down on the platform of the saw, with the top edge (the edge that will touch the ceiling) pressed against the fence of the saw and the bottom edge (the edge that will touch the wall) facing forward.
- 3). Re-set your miter saw to 45 degrees, with the angle making the board longer on the bottom edge than the top. Make the cut.
- 4). Use your coping saw to "cut back'' around the edge of the mitered cut. This means you saw along the profile of the surface where it meets the exposed wood on the end, holding the saw at an angle toward the back of the piece; the shape of the front face of the board should look the same as it did before the cut, but the wood behind it will be cut away.
- 5). Set the second piece in place, tucking the coped end around the surface of the previously installed piece. It should fit right around it, with the coped cut of the second piece following the contours of the first piece to form the corner.