Ground Hog Day Proves Global Warming is False!
2000 scientists are on drugs the Ground Hog is NEVER wrong.
Well Groundhog Day has come and gone and it is amazing that winter will be a little more robust than recently thought.
So much for the global warming theory.
And I must tell you I had to laugh when Colorado got almost 10 feet of snow from two back-to-back storms, not more than one week after an environmental group put out a report that global warming was causing a very mild Colorado winter and would severely impact water resource supplies.
Oh really?And what happened next week 10 feet of snow.
The global warming alarmists want us to believe all of their research and paperwork and they tell us to the earth is heating up and we are all going to die in an apocalyptic fiery hell.
It is not true and the earth has only heated out 1 1/2 degrees over an entire 50-year period.
It peaked out in the late 1990s during the height of the solar flares from the last solar maximum.
Coincidental you ask?What you think?The groundhog is never wrong and Groundhog Day predicts it will be a very cold winter as we have already seen in many parts of the country and this just blows the global warming doom and gloom alarmist theory all to heck.
In fact one has to wonder how these people sleep at night purporting all this bogus theory.
The geological record shows that the earth goes through cycles and we know that the sun has solar cycles and often these cycles are intertwined and interconnected.
That is to say one affects the other and the other affects others still.
That is obvious common sense and yet these truths are not been factored into the equation by global warming alarmists and that has many puzzled.
For me it raised a few eyebrows, how about you? I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought.
The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007.
I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.
Well Groundhog Day has come and gone and it is amazing that winter will be a little more robust than recently thought.
So much for the global warming theory.
And I must tell you I had to laugh when Colorado got almost 10 feet of snow from two back-to-back storms, not more than one week after an environmental group put out a report that global warming was causing a very mild Colorado winter and would severely impact water resource supplies.
Oh really?And what happened next week 10 feet of snow.
The global warming alarmists want us to believe all of their research and paperwork and they tell us to the earth is heating up and we are all going to die in an apocalyptic fiery hell.
It is not true and the earth has only heated out 1 1/2 degrees over an entire 50-year period.
It peaked out in the late 1990s during the height of the solar flares from the last solar maximum.
Coincidental you ask?What you think?The groundhog is never wrong and Groundhog Day predicts it will be a very cold winter as we have already seen in many parts of the country and this just blows the global warming doom and gloom alarmist theory all to heck.
In fact one has to wonder how these people sleep at night purporting all this bogus theory.
The geological record shows that the earth goes through cycles and we know that the sun has solar cycles and often these cycles are intertwined and interconnected.
That is to say one affects the other and the other affects others still.
That is obvious common sense and yet these truths are not been factored into the equation by global warming alarmists and that has many puzzled.
For me it raised a few eyebrows, how about you? I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought.
The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007.
I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.