Steps For Dachshund House Training
If you want your dog to stay inside your house, you need to train them properly how to be a house dog.
There are some dog breeds that make it just natural to teach them how to get around the house.
But other dog breeds like the dachshund can be a bit difficult to train when it comes to house training.
You need to know about the proper steps for dachshund house training before you can be successful to it.
Here are the steps for dachshund house training: 1.
Take your dog outside at any place where you want him to go during the following times of the day: - When you get up in the morning.
- When your puppy wakes up from his nap.
- A few minutes after leaving your dog with his kennel.
- A few minutes after eating or drinking.
- Before bedtime.
- Anytime you see your dog sniffing and seems to be looking for that "spot" These are the times when your dog obviously needs to poop.
Of course, you do not want him to litter inside the house.
That is why you need to train him when to go outside and where to go when he feels like pooping.
Choose a phrase to make him potty.
Try to say "Go potty" and see if he responds to it.
The next time he hears it, he knows what to do.
Whenever he responds to you and follows your command, praise him and pat him gently.
It will make him obey you more as he sees that you like being obeyed.
Make sure that you only go outside during the exact potty time.
So that in the future after he knows his routine, he will go outside even without taking him.
He will know when and where to go potty himself.
If your pet accidentally poops or pees inside the house, do not punish him.
Dachshunds do not actually respond to punishments.
It will only make them feel bad which will make your relationship to him get worse.
Just calmly clean the poop and then take him outside the next time.
You need to be patient with this.
Paying attention to your dog is always very important.
You need to make sure that you notice the signs of when he needs to go potty or pee.
That will prevent him from littering inside the house.
If you want to get a litter box inside the house, you can also train him to go there whenever he feels like needing to poop.
But taking him outside would be the best to do because littering inside will only give that nasty smell inside your house.
Make sure that you follow these steps for dachshund house training if you want to keep your dog inside the house.
You can always make him stay outside if he really cannot be taught how to do his potty properly.
But of course, we always need to be with our pets so knowing the proper steps for dachshund house training is very important.
There are some dog breeds that make it just natural to teach them how to get around the house.
But other dog breeds like the dachshund can be a bit difficult to train when it comes to house training.
You need to know about the proper steps for dachshund house training before you can be successful to it.
Here are the steps for dachshund house training: 1.
Take your dog outside at any place where you want him to go during the following times of the day: - When you get up in the morning.
- When your puppy wakes up from his nap.
- A few minutes after leaving your dog with his kennel.
- A few minutes after eating or drinking.
- Before bedtime.
- Anytime you see your dog sniffing and seems to be looking for that "spot" These are the times when your dog obviously needs to poop.
Of course, you do not want him to litter inside the house.
That is why you need to train him when to go outside and where to go when he feels like pooping.
Choose a phrase to make him potty.
Try to say "Go potty" and see if he responds to it.
The next time he hears it, he knows what to do.
Whenever he responds to you and follows your command, praise him and pat him gently.
It will make him obey you more as he sees that you like being obeyed.
Make sure that you only go outside during the exact potty time.
So that in the future after he knows his routine, he will go outside even without taking him.
He will know when and where to go potty himself.
If your pet accidentally poops or pees inside the house, do not punish him.
Dachshunds do not actually respond to punishments.
It will only make them feel bad which will make your relationship to him get worse.
Just calmly clean the poop and then take him outside the next time.
You need to be patient with this.
Paying attention to your dog is always very important.
You need to make sure that you notice the signs of when he needs to go potty or pee.
That will prevent him from littering inside the house.
If you want to get a litter box inside the house, you can also train him to go there whenever he feels like needing to poop.
But taking him outside would be the best to do because littering inside will only give that nasty smell inside your house.
Make sure that you follow these steps for dachshund house training if you want to keep your dog inside the house.
You can always make him stay outside if he really cannot be taught how to do his potty properly.
But of course, we always need to be with our pets so knowing the proper steps for dachshund house training is very important.