Learning The Basics Of Martial Arts
Karate is perhaps the main form of combat that comes to mind when people think of martial arts.
It's primarily a striking art, featuring punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques.
Karate is one of the most commonly practiced self defense tactics in the world, and compromises of three main components, which are: kihon, kata, and kumite.
From a small group of fighters hundreds of years ago in the Ryukyu Islands, karate is now the most widely practiced form of combat in the world.
For those striving to learn martial arts through movies and the media, Kung Fu is what your looking for.
Jackie Chan continues to apply Kung Fu techniques while working on screen.
This form of combat is critical in understanding the history of martial arts.
The various different movements that are employed in this martial arts form are based on imitations of the fighting styles of animals, and have such names as dragon, horse riding, frog and snake.
Jujutsu, (also known as JuJitsu) is a Japanese martial art consisting primarily of grappling techniques.
Although not practiced as widely as karate, this form of combat is recognised for its stylistic methods of execution.
Although not commonly known, Judo is in fact a direct form of Jujutsu, which became a separate identity over time.
Judo, as just mentioned, is a direct form of Jujutsu.
The object is to either throw one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with grappling moves.
The techniques and practices of Judo can be divided in 2 groups: Kata, whereby pre-arranged patterns of attack and defence are used to subdue the opponent, and Randori, which is based on free-style sparring.
Practitioners of Judo are called Judoka.
Lesser known forms of combat which are still in practice today include: Wushu: Jet Li practiced this form of combat, and it is now gaining momentum.
National Chinese competitions are held every year.
Kenjutsu: A Japanese martial art specializing in the use of the Japanese sword, mainly the bokken (wooden sword).
Kyudo: This is the Japanese art of archery.
It is estimated that there are approximately half a million practitioners Kyudo today.
The main item used is a yumi (Japanese bow)
It's primarily a striking art, featuring punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques.
Karate is one of the most commonly practiced self defense tactics in the world, and compromises of three main components, which are: kihon, kata, and kumite.
From a small group of fighters hundreds of years ago in the Ryukyu Islands, karate is now the most widely practiced form of combat in the world.
For those striving to learn martial arts through movies and the media, Kung Fu is what your looking for.
Jackie Chan continues to apply Kung Fu techniques while working on screen.
This form of combat is critical in understanding the history of martial arts.
The various different movements that are employed in this martial arts form are based on imitations of the fighting styles of animals, and have such names as dragon, horse riding, frog and snake.
Jujutsu, (also known as JuJitsu) is a Japanese martial art consisting primarily of grappling techniques.
Although not practiced as widely as karate, this form of combat is recognised for its stylistic methods of execution.
Although not commonly known, Judo is in fact a direct form of Jujutsu, which became a separate identity over time.
Judo, as just mentioned, is a direct form of Jujutsu.
The object is to either throw one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with grappling moves.
The techniques and practices of Judo can be divided in 2 groups: Kata, whereby pre-arranged patterns of attack and defence are used to subdue the opponent, and Randori, which is based on free-style sparring.
Practitioners of Judo are called Judoka.
Lesser known forms of combat which are still in practice today include: Wushu: Jet Li practiced this form of combat, and it is now gaining momentum.
National Chinese competitions are held every year.
Kenjutsu: A Japanese martial art specializing in the use of the Japanese sword, mainly the bokken (wooden sword).
Kyudo: This is the Japanese art of archery.
It is estimated that there are approximately half a million practitioners Kyudo today.
The main item used is a yumi (Japanese bow)