How to Choose Good Antique Costume Jewelry
- 1). Learn to recognize various jewelry styles. Art Deco, Edwardian and Victorian are a few of the choices, and the style of the jewelry can affect its value.
- 2). Consider the value of the metal or stones without regard to the jewelry itself. Semiprecious stones set in real gold are going to be worth more than rhinestones set in a lesser metal.
- 3). Learn to tell the difference between a real antique and a reproduction. The best way to do this is to read books on antique jewelry or to get on the Web and browse the antiques and collectibles sites.
- 4). Familiarize yourself with the "marks." Many vintage jewelry items have distinctive marks that identify the piece's era and maker. Again, reading up on antique costume jewelry will help you recognize these.
- 5). Shop with reputable dealers and at trusted shops.
- 6). Get on the Web. Online you can find a wealth of information about vintage jewelry, its characteristics and its value, as well as message boards and chat rooms devoted to antique costume jewelry collecting.
- 7). Buy what you like. Even serious collectors occasionally buy something not-so-valuable that catches their eyes.