Culinary Uses for Almonds
- Curry chicken with pasta can be prepared with almonds.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Though almond skins are edible, their bitter flavor makes them unappealing to many palates, which is why almonds are usually skinned. The almond is a versatile ingredient that goes well with meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and fruit dishes. Popular almond dishes include almond chicken, green beans with almonds, and almond-crusted tilapia. Additionally, almonds can be used as a garnish. - Almonds are used most often in desserts.Media Bank/ Images
Almonds are used most often in desserts, such as baklava and nougat marzipan (traditional European candy). They are the main ingredient in many cookies, such as Italian amaretti cookies and biscotti, as well as French tuiles. Chinese almond cookies are so popular that National Chinese Almond Cookie Day is celebrated every April 9 in the United States. - Almond flour has nutritional benefits.Jupiterimages/ Images
Almonds can also be used to make flour for cakes, bread and biscuits. An alternative to peanut butter is almond butter, which is less salty. Almond lovers can eat an almond butter sandwich on almond bread. - Milk does a body good whether it comes from cows, soy or almonds.Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images
Almond milk, made of processed almonds, is a milk substitute that appeals to lactose-intolerant people and is considered similar to soy milk. Other liquid products from almonds are almond oil, which is used for cooking, and almond syrup, used to flavor desserts.
Main Dishes With Almonds
Flour and Butter
Liquid Almonds