Occular Rosacea Information
Ophthalmic or ocular rosacea is an inflammatory eye condition that is similar to facial rosacea, where symptoms include swollen and reddish eyelids, along with gritty and burning sensation within the eyes.
Patients with ocular rosacea feel uncomfortable as if they feel a tiny foreign object is in the eye.
Apart from ocular complications, one may also observe reddish bumps around the area.
In fact, about 80% of those with ophthalmic rosacea also have facial rosacea.
Other symptoms of this disease may include; • Blepharitis • Conjunctivitis • Iridocyclitis • Hypopyoniritis • Iritis and keratitis • Scaling and crusting of eyelids • Dry eyes • Chronic bloodshot eyes • Unusual sensitivity to light which may lead to photophobia There are also cases of blindness on extreme symptoms, when ocular rosacea is accompanied by keratitis.
It may start with corneal inflammation and cloudiness, resulting to blurred eyesight, alongside with symptoms of bacterial or fungal infection.
When left untreated properly, as mentioned, may lead to loss of eyesight.
Ocular Rosacea Treatment The treatment for rosacea in the eyes mainly focuses on the symptoms associated with it.
At any cost, once symptoms are observed, one should not hesitate in visiting an ophthalmologist.
As in any health problem, early diagnosis will increase the chances and success of treating the disease.
Doctors often prescribe rosacea cream which have antibiotics to help treat the affected area.
General treatment of eye rosacea mainly evolves in eye hygiene.
Cleaning the eyelids and lashes from oily secretions and any dirt is the main goal, to avoid spread and further complications brought by any kind of infection.
Stopping the severity of the disease at any cost should be kept in mind.
Often, careful and regular cleansing with water and soft cotton buds will do the job.
At extreme complications with rosacea and keratitis, it is often treated with anti-biotic, anti-bacterial or anti-fungal eye drops to fight of infections.
Whenever ophthalmic rosacea is diagnosed with keratitis, AVOID eye steroid prescriptions.
Though topical steroids can provide short-term relief against ocular inflammation, there are cases of loss of eyesight due to prolonged use of topical steroids.
In addition, rosacea patients tend to be more prone to dehydration than others patients.
The eye is 96% water, and increasing oral fluid intake.
Water or rehydrating liquids will help maintain the moisture in the eye and in return, decrease irritation and dryness.
It's also recommended to add Omega-3 food or supplements in your diet.
These type of fatty-acid supplements aid in maintaining overall balance in the diet as well as alleviating the discomfort of ocular rosacea.
Patients with ocular rosacea feel uncomfortable as if they feel a tiny foreign object is in the eye.
Apart from ocular complications, one may also observe reddish bumps around the area.
In fact, about 80% of those with ophthalmic rosacea also have facial rosacea.
Other symptoms of this disease may include; • Blepharitis • Conjunctivitis • Iridocyclitis • Hypopyoniritis • Iritis and keratitis • Scaling and crusting of eyelids • Dry eyes • Chronic bloodshot eyes • Unusual sensitivity to light which may lead to photophobia There are also cases of blindness on extreme symptoms, when ocular rosacea is accompanied by keratitis.
It may start with corneal inflammation and cloudiness, resulting to blurred eyesight, alongside with symptoms of bacterial or fungal infection.
When left untreated properly, as mentioned, may lead to loss of eyesight.
Ocular Rosacea Treatment The treatment for rosacea in the eyes mainly focuses on the symptoms associated with it.
At any cost, once symptoms are observed, one should not hesitate in visiting an ophthalmologist.
As in any health problem, early diagnosis will increase the chances and success of treating the disease.
Doctors often prescribe rosacea cream which have antibiotics to help treat the affected area.
General treatment of eye rosacea mainly evolves in eye hygiene.
Cleaning the eyelids and lashes from oily secretions and any dirt is the main goal, to avoid spread and further complications brought by any kind of infection.
Stopping the severity of the disease at any cost should be kept in mind.
Often, careful and regular cleansing with water and soft cotton buds will do the job.
At extreme complications with rosacea and keratitis, it is often treated with anti-biotic, anti-bacterial or anti-fungal eye drops to fight of infections.
Whenever ophthalmic rosacea is diagnosed with keratitis, AVOID eye steroid prescriptions.
Though topical steroids can provide short-term relief against ocular inflammation, there are cases of loss of eyesight due to prolonged use of topical steroids.
In addition, rosacea patients tend to be more prone to dehydration than others patients.
The eye is 96% water, and increasing oral fluid intake.
Water or rehydrating liquids will help maintain the moisture in the eye and in return, decrease irritation and dryness.
It's also recommended to add Omega-3 food or supplements in your diet.
These type of fatty-acid supplements aid in maintaining overall balance in the diet as well as alleviating the discomfort of ocular rosacea.