Binaural Meditation
There is much hub-bub in the online world over the phenomenon know as binaural beats or other brain-wave type software. There are many different types of this software, but the basic concept remains the same: through listening to various frequencies at different wavelengths, your own brain waves will begin to synch in with that of the audio produced by the software, causing a change in consciousness. Some people will give strange, pseudo-scientific explanations of the phenomenon that do not really explain it fully or in a satisfying manner, whereas other people will immediately debunk it with claims of it being too fantastic and far fetched to work. The truth lays, much as Buddha once said, in the middle path, the middle ground, in a synthesis of views, taking into account all the facts and then experimenting with ones own self and perception.
The road to awakening consciousness lies directly in using the investigative principles and intelligent faculties inherent to all rational human beings that are in no small part makes us human. As the Buddha taught, it is only through meditation that we can dispel ignorance and see the truth of enlightenment, and we are all by nature enlightened. Therefore if one is to use binaural beat software for the purposes of expanding or shifting perception and consciousness, it is absolutely vital that one establishes a proper meditation technique first. The primary factors for successfully meditating includes a total and complete relaxation of the body, breath control (pranayama), inner silence, concentration, and sensory deprivation.
Personally I can attest to the fact that binaural beats and the related software can in fact shift ones perception, it is not merely a placebo. However much of the marketing claims by the companies that produce such software are grossly exaggerated claims. For instance, "I-doser" has many various frequencies that are supposed to reproduce the effects of various drugs such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and salvia. This is not going to happen. What it can do, however, is give you enough of a boost to transport you into the unknown, into an entirely different realm of perception. This is definitely an area that should be researched and experimented with in depth for the purposes of expanding and awakening consciousness.
All the tools you need for total personal growth and success can be found right here. []
The road to awakening consciousness lies directly in using the investigative principles and intelligent faculties inherent to all rational human beings that are in no small part makes us human. As the Buddha taught, it is only through meditation that we can dispel ignorance and see the truth of enlightenment, and we are all by nature enlightened. Therefore if one is to use binaural beat software for the purposes of expanding or shifting perception and consciousness, it is absolutely vital that one establishes a proper meditation technique first. The primary factors for successfully meditating includes a total and complete relaxation of the body, breath control (pranayama), inner silence, concentration, and sensory deprivation.
Personally I can attest to the fact that binaural beats and the related software can in fact shift ones perception, it is not merely a placebo. However much of the marketing claims by the companies that produce such software are grossly exaggerated claims. For instance, "I-doser" has many various frequencies that are supposed to reproduce the effects of various drugs such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and salvia. This is not going to happen. What it can do, however, is give you enough of a boost to transport you into the unknown, into an entirely different realm of perception. This is definitely an area that should be researched and experimented with in depth for the purposes of expanding and awakening consciousness.
All the tools you need for total personal growth and success can be found right here. []