How to Succeed With Women Using Neurolinguistic Programming
Neurolinguistic Programming, or NLP for short, is defined as a system for bringing about personal development in any individual by interpreting and translating the human perception, experience, beliefs and language.
It can be and has been used successfully in the areas of attraction and dating.
NLP is used to design a step-by-step, easy to follow method to attract and succeed with women.
NLP has three basic components: Neuro - your thinking process, the way you use your senses to understand the world around you Linguistic - your words, the things you say and how they affect those around you Programming - your behavior, the way you organize your ideas and actions and the results they produce It all boils down to your thoughts, words and actions.
When you have mastered those, half the battle is won.
When you learn to influence or control the thoughts, words and actions of others, victory is complete.
How can you use NLP to succeed with women where you have failed repeatedly in the past? Women are programmed to behave in certain ways under certain circumstances.
There's some argument as to whether this programming is genetic or learned, but for our discussion today it doesn't really matter.
What matters is that if you learn how to use that program, you learn how to succeed with women.
The problem most men have with women is they don't understand the ways women are different from men.
They know there are differences, but not how to exploit those differences and use them to their advantage.
Let me give you an example of one difference between men and women.
Show a picture of a baby to a man and he'll say something like, "Un huh, what's for dinner?" Show that same picture of a baby to a woman and ninety-five out of a hundred will say "Ooooh, how cute!" or some equivalent.
On the other hand, put a man and a woman in a movie theater and let them watch a shoot-em-up with car chases and explosions, the whole nine yards.
The man will be riveted to the screen while his date is texting her girlfriends about the baby picture.
The reason so many men don't succeed with women is they don't understand the differences, they don't know what triggers desirable responses in the woman, and they don't press those triggers to get the desirable responses.
A man will be turned on by the sight of a young, sexy woman.
Even a photograph of a hot lady will cause actual physiological responses such as increased heart rate and respiration.
These responses are real and have been measured.
Many men think that because he is stimulated that way, a woman will be, too.
That's why many average looking guys think they have no chance to succeed with women.
Nothing could be further from the truth! Women are turned on physically and sexually by things most men would never imagine.
Some men figure this out on their own and succeed with women.
Some men never do.
Then there is a third group who realize there's something they don't know and do something about it.
Over 20,000 men have subscribed to the methods explained it "Be The Guy Who Gets the Girls.
" It's the first and only step-by-simple-step pickup, dating, and seduction guide on the internet written for men - by a woman.
There are certain words and emotional exploits that can help give you an edge in the dating game, but when you've learned some of these seduction techniques, you may find women get really amorous really quickly.
Not only will you learn how to chat to women with confidence and style, but you'll also learn how to get them to want you.
It can be and has been used successfully in the areas of attraction and dating.
NLP is used to design a step-by-step, easy to follow method to attract and succeed with women.
NLP has three basic components: Neuro - your thinking process, the way you use your senses to understand the world around you Linguistic - your words, the things you say and how they affect those around you Programming - your behavior, the way you organize your ideas and actions and the results they produce It all boils down to your thoughts, words and actions.
When you have mastered those, half the battle is won.
When you learn to influence or control the thoughts, words and actions of others, victory is complete.
How can you use NLP to succeed with women where you have failed repeatedly in the past? Women are programmed to behave in certain ways under certain circumstances.
There's some argument as to whether this programming is genetic or learned, but for our discussion today it doesn't really matter.
What matters is that if you learn how to use that program, you learn how to succeed with women.
The problem most men have with women is they don't understand the ways women are different from men.
They know there are differences, but not how to exploit those differences and use them to their advantage.
Let me give you an example of one difference between men and women.
Show a picture of a baby to a man and he'll say something like, "Un huh, what's for dinner?" Show that same picture of a baby to a woman and ninety-five out of a hundred will say "Ooooh, how cute!" or some equivalent.
On the other hand, put a man and a woman in a movie theater and let them watch a shoot-em-up with car chases and explosions, the whole nine yards.
The man will be riveted to the screen while his date is texting her girlfriends about the baby picture.
The reason so many men don't succeed with women is they don't understand the differences, they don't know what triggers desirable responses in the woman, and they don't press those triggers to get the desirable responses.
A man will be turned on by the sight of a young, sexy woman.
Even a photograph of a hot lady will cause actual physiological responses such as increased heart rate and respiration.
These responses are real and have been measured.
Many men think that because he is stimulated that way, a woman will be, too.
That's why many average looking guys think they have no chance to succeed with women.
Nothing could be further from the truth! Women are turned on physically and sexually by things most men would never imagine.
Some men figure this out on their own and succeed with women.
Some men never do.
Then there is a third group who realize there's something they don't know and do something about it.
Over 20,000 men have subscribed to the methods explained it "Be The Guy Who Gets the Girls.
" It's the first and only step-by-simple-step pickup, dating, and seduction guide on the internet written for men - by a woman.
There are certain words and emotional exploits that can help give you an edge in the dating game, but when you've learned some of these seduction techniques, you may find women get really amorous really quickly.
Not only will you learn how to chat to women with confidence and style, but you'll also learn how to get them to want you.