Harm & Pain
Well for all those of you who are always saying, the United States should just stay out of the mid east, here you go, Iran has just threatened the United States with Harm And Pain, it's about time for the whining to stop, you don't you get it, we can't just send these people flowers, and call it done, some time you have to do something about what's going on, and people never cease to amaze me, cut the whining or be quiet about it, these people need more then a slap on the hands.
If you don't think so, then maybe you could read the news a bit more, we are not the bad guys here, and we are the evil ones, if you think we are, then it's possible that you need to go and join your brothers in the mid east, enjoy the sand storms, and enjoy the suicide bombers, enjoy those "so called cute kids strapped with tnt" if you have so much love for your brothers in the mid east, then just go over there and be a part of that whole seen.
I on the other hand will stay here, and enjoy the freedom that I get from living in the USA, if I were over there, I'll tell you, I'd be shot for even writing something like this, and I would be imprisoned for even thinking it, or gees that's right, they don't need a reason to blow your head off over there, it's just their way of life, it how they think that things should be done, but we still have all the whiners here saying that that we need to treat them with respect and admiration.
I say boot them all out of here, all the whiners and boat rockers, send them to their favorite place to live for a while
If you like the standard freedoms that we have, just for living in this country, then step up and show our country that you care, don't whine every chance that you get, read about the events going on in the world, be informed, and learn about the things that threaten our way of life, and do something to help us maintain that way of life, it's up to you to learn, see, and know what's going on around you, if you don't then you have "No Right To Whine".
If you don't think so, then maybe you could read the news a bit more, we are not the bad guys here, and we are the evil ones, if you think we are, then it's possible that you need to go and join your brothers in the mid east, enjoy the sand storms, and enjoy the suicide bombers, enjoy those "so called cute kids strapped with tnt" if you have so much love for your brothers in the mid east, then just go over there and be a part of that whole seen.
I on the other hand will stay here, and enjoy the freedom that I get from living in the USA, if I were over there, I'll tell you, I'd be shot for even writing something like this, and I would be imprisoned for even thinking it, or gees that's right, they don't need a reason to blow your head off over there, it's just their way of life, it how they think that things should be done, but we still have all the whiners here saying that that we need to treat them with respect and admiration.
I say boot them all out of here, all the whiners and boat rockers, send them to their favorite place to live for a while
"The United States has the power to cause harm and pain," said a statement delivered by the Iranian delegation.This is a direct threat to our country, and if these people want to level a threat, well then we need to deal with the cold hard reality of the fact that we need to defend our country, and our way of life, and if you don't think so, then you need your head examined, do you like living in a free country, do you like being able to go to the store, or to the movies any time you want to, do you like not having soldiers marching around in the street with a gun ready to mo you down if you don't do as your told.
"But the United States is also susceptible to harm and pain.
So if that is the path that the U.
wishes to choose, let the ball roll.
If you like the standard freedoms that we have, just for living in this country, then step up and show our country that you care, don't whine every chance that you get, read about the events going on in the world, be informed, and learn about the things that threaten our way of life, and do something to help us maintain that way of life, it's up to you to learn, see, and know what's going on around you, if you don't then you have "No Right To Whine".