Homemade Carp Boilie Recipe Tips For Using Expert Feed-Stimulant Ingredients!
Discover how to improve your big carp and catfish homemade baits by harnessing the hugely attractive powerful secrets of very stimulatory ingredients and additives, which can seriously make a big difference to your big fish baits and catches fast! Read on and find out essential information about deeper aspects of unique big fish stimulants and how to apply and combine them now!
I have recently seen a presentation by some of the world's leading nutritionists and health experts recently which was a goldmine of insights and information regarding carp bait improvement. I was actively linking their findings about some of the most potent active components and extracts that bring the body back into balance, by burning fat and lowing blood sugar and increasing insulin resistance, and increasing shifting of blood sugar to the muscles for fuel instead of towards fat storage! You might ask what has this to do with carp bait and catching carp, but it has absolutely a huge critical relevance of aspects vital to improving carp bait functioning within carp that increases your catches massively!
Among the substances mentioned are alkaloids and I mention a number of these within my own ebooks and articles, but very significantly I have discovered a further number of these and other factors in more recent times which I seriously recommend within the context of my tuitions with individuals and groups today. You might be wondering what else you need to exploit to give you the biggest edge!
There are some very specific ways and means to harness the most critical components of stimulatory substances found in examples such as fenugreek, garlic, chilli, black pepper and hemp.
There are some very profoundly powerful active substances that really do work when included in carp baits and they do not merely work over a period of time cumulatively within a food bait paradigm, but they work instantly as fish actually absorb them in solution!
The physiological specifics regarding the connections between the release and functioning of hormones that control blood pressure, liver and heart functioning, insulin resistance and metabolism and fat burning etc, are important to the carp angler and indeed to big catfish anglers too. Substances pertinent to these things genuinely have attractive active effects and impacts in different ways and on many different levels that increase feeding responses in the presence of baits that contain them!
Everyone knows about molasses. Used in boilies, pastes, stick mixes, spod mixes and so on, and molasses are more than just a palatability enhancer and sweetener. It contains a true feeding trigger plus many nutritional factors plus others that increase activity in the cells of fish and help promote feeding.
Molasses spike blood sugar which in a way means that for a limited period at least, your carp or catfish get a rush of energy that enables increased feeding activity. This is particularly important in periods of lower temperatures or in periods of lower water oxygen saturation, where maximised bait solubility and raising of fish metabolism by multiple means are absolutely essential to even get bites!
Fish are very similar to humans in how carbohydrates are processed used or stored. Endless commercial carp baits are made using significant levels of carbohydrates because for one thing, these are much cheaper to buy and represent a huge part of how the vast majority of commercial bait makers can make profits in making pellets and boilies and ground baits and stick mixes etc. Included in the gamut of carbohydrates and related products used to make and increase profits are bread crumbs, biscuit meals, whole and crushed seeds, semolina, pulse and bean flours (which are predominantly carbohydrate containing such as soya flours and meals.
Other major carbohydrate ingredients used include semolina, maize flour and maize meal. There are many other carbohydrates used which often relate (or not) to bird food type products. There are whole and crushed nut products, tiger nut flour and meals, fine and coarse peanut meals and roasted peanut meal, crushed seed products such as CLO and so on. Certain bait companies that I have seen first-hand also bulk up their baits using wheat or oat bran. But the instances where I saw this were obviously more for bulking up of baits and increasing profit than just for improving prebiotic-related or immunity and digestion-boosting functioning of bait!
Wherever a bait contains a significant content of carbohydrate, especially in conjunction with any high omega or related oil and fat content, (including that found in hemp oil, soya flour, fish meals, marine meals and so on,) it all means energy storage for carp to both produce and then needs to burn off!
In nature, carp and other omnivorous creatures such as humans and even early dog bloodlines feed upon vegetation. Part of this is to improve metabolism and digestion and to improve food throughput functionally plus increase blood sugar burning efficiency and balancing of many systems including boosting the immune system in various ways, plus many other aspects.
The potent pigments within plant materials including Carophyll increase metabolism and internal balancing and other effects and impacts very healthily and are essential for balancing of the energy system of fish.
I have noticed for that wels catfish have shown a positive sensitivity to red kidney beans and sweetcorn for instance. This is far than just about raw energy. Per temperature regime increase these fish require higher levels of protein, calorific oils and protein, when compared to carp. But they still require their inner energy system to be balanced by the active components within the foods they consume.
Both carp and catfish will predominantly consume protein-rich food at many periods of the year and in fact their bodies evolved in ways precisely to do this and to most efficiently digest and assimilate amino acids. But carbohydrates are very poor in amino acids. Carbohydrates are used in old fashioned food baits to spare protein so more is actually converted biologically instead of being wasted.
But bait is far more about creating internal balance than about protein, because this is just one part of the whole balancing of the internal system. This is part of the reason why many bait formulations which are not designed using high or balanced nutritional type food baits are highly successful without being baits that reward fish with actual food nutrients. Such baits when constantly changed just keep on catching fish and work instantly requiring use of far less bait and costing far less money!
I am interested in such baits because the vast majority of carp anglers over feed their swims with readymade baits and I have discovered the extent to which carp and catfish are sensitive to other more potent, alternate sources of factors that balance their internal energy and physical physiological systems on significant levels, that make fish more energy efficient!
If you wondered if or why hemp oil is actually a true feeding trigger as well as a truly effective attractor here are some very strong reasons! Firstly, hemp seed oil actually has all the essential amino acids but more surprisingly, it is significantly high in a true carp feeding trigger, arginine (a metabolic precursor). This is important because it is converted to nitric oxide (NO,) in the body.
This particular molecule is very important indeed to me as a human and to carp, because it acts as a signaling messenger in the heart and blood supply system where it is used in controlling arterial wall interactions with platelet and leucocytes, controlling vascular tone, homeostasis, fibrinolysis, the positive growth of smooth vascular muscle cells and regulation of blood pressure as a whole! All these are addictive effects in carp and other fish and in humans.
For guaranteed quality hemp oil, one great source is Feedstimulants. An outstanding cumulatively acting and instant-acting liquid to use besides hemp oil is CC Moore Red Venom, (effective in all temperatures.) It contains a factor that enables the biggest creatures on earth, blue whales to attain and sustain such incredible size. There are benefits of including different forms of algae within your bait formulations and I recommend using both the Feedstimulant and CC Moore spirulina products alongside one another! (These contain all the attractive and fee-stimulatory amino acids carp are particularly sensitive to.)
Related to the impacts of hemp oil are certain impacts of garlic components. Garlic has been used as a carp attractor for decades. It is often used even more during cold weather periods. Its smell or taste really has very little significance compared to its internal impacts.
This is what I am most interested in and why certain flavours are merely useless labels or signals used for association, but lack real impacts such as the metabolism effects referred to here! The sulphur type compounds found in garlic may well have some positive relationship to the sulphur form amino acids which are so stimulatory to carp, but for very different reasons!
Some of the instinctive attraction of garlic to fish such as carp is the concentration of garlic allicin or garlicin it contains.
This attractor and palatability factor works not merely in the winter but all year round in a huge variety of bait formats and flavours and themes of baits without being over-powering.
This extract has truly active impacts on your fish even without them picking up any whole bait as they detect it via filtration feeding. One advantage of using such active substances is that you can use less bait yet catch more fish, due to the power of such components.
It is definitely best to use the most concentrated form of garlic possible for maximum effects! You can obtain the most uniquely concentrated garlic (in the form of garlicin,) from Feedstimulants (online!)
Fenugreek is a well known carp attractor and genuine active and palatability enhancing stimulatory bait additive. Fenugreek seeds contain a potent component which dramatically positively increases the direction of blood sugar to the muscles, instead of blood sugar being directed towards storage as glycogen in the form of fat mainly (around peripheral body storage zones outside of fueling the major organs!) This is just one outstanding reason why fenugreek is such an awesome carp bait additive. But fenugreek is best utilised in the most concentrated form possible, as opposed to whole fenugreek powder (often negatively oxidized.)
There is a superior alternative to exploit within all your baits, which is even better than fresh crushed fenugreek seeds. Thankfully you can now actually source pure fenugreek oleoresin from the new bait additive specialist, Feedstimulants (online!)
The benefits of black pepper were described in my first ebook but now you can source the most pure and most concentrated form possible from a supplier that actually chose his products based on my ebooks i.e. Feedstimulants.
Therefore I am very pleased that Luc is supplying pure form black pepper, piperine. As an attractant this hugely potent additive additive is effective in promoting feeding activity in all conditions, (even in the lowest of winter temperatures!) It is a genuine big fish catcher! Each of these additives will improve your catches to a significant degree.
Personally my focus is on absolute optimization and maximisation of bait effects; for genuine maximisation of time on the bank in terms of big fish catch results (and teaching the art and skills and knowledge of how to do this!) This is a totally different goal and often a completely opposite goal compared to that of commercial readymade bait makers! Revealed in my unique ready made bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!
By Tim Richardson.
I have recently seen a presentation by some of the world's leading nutritionists and health experts recently which was a goldmine of insights and information regarding carp bait improvement. I was actively linking their findings about some of the most potent active components and extracts that bring the body back into balance, by burning fat and lowing blood sugar and increasing insulin resistance, and increasing shifting of blood sugar to the muscles for fuel instead of towards fat storage! You might ask what has this to do with carp bait and catching carp, but it has absolutely a huge critical relevance of aspects vital to improving carp bait functioning within carp that increases your catches massively!
Among the substances mentioned are alkaloids and I mention a number of these within my own ebooks and articles, but very significantly I have discovered a further number of these and other factors in more recent times which I seriously recommend within the context of my tuitions with individuals and groups today. You might be wondering what else you need to exploit to give you the biggest edge!
There are some very specific ways and means to harness the most critical components of stimulatory substances found in examples such as fenugreek, garlic, chilli, black pepper and hemp.
There are some very profoundly powerful active substances that really do work when included in carp baits and they do not merely work over a period of time cumulatively within a food bait paradigm, but they work instantly as fish actually absorb them in solution!
The physiological specifics regarding the connections between the release and functioning of hormones that control blood pressure, liver and heart functioning, insulin resistance and metabolism and fat burning etc, are important to the carp angler and indeed to big catfish anglers too. Substances pertinent to these things genuinely have attractive active effects and impacts in different ways and on many different levels that increase feeding responses in the presence of baits that contain them!
Everyone knows about molasses. Used in boilies, pastes, stick mixes, spod mixes and so on, and molasses are more than just a palatability enhancer and sweetener. It contains a true feeding trigger plus many nutritional factors plus others that increase activity in the cells of fish and help promote feeding.
Molasses spike blood sugar which in a way means that for a limited period at least, your carp or catfish get a rush of energy that enables increased feeding activity. This is particularly important in periods of lower temperatures or in periods of lower water oxygen saturation, where maximised bait solubility and raising of fish metabolism by multiple means are absolutely essential to even get bites!
Fish are very similar to humans in how carbohydrates are processed used or stored. Endless commercial carp baits are made using significant levels of carbohydrates because for one thing, these are much cheaper to buy and represent a huge part of how the vast majority of commercial bait makers can make profits in making pellets and boilies and ground baits and stick mixes etc. Included in the gamut of carbohydrates and related products used to make and increase profits are bread crumbs, biscuit meals, whole and crushed seeds, semolina, pulse and bean flours (which are predominantly carbohydrate containing such as soya flours and meals.
Other major carbohydrate ingredients used include semolina, maize flour and maize meal. There are many other carbohydrates used which often relate (or not) to bird food type products. There are whole and crushed nut products, tiger nut flour and meals, fine and coarse peanut meals and roasted peanut meal, crushed seed products such as CLO and so on. Certain bait companies that I have seen first-hand also bulk up their baits using wheat or oat bran. But the instances where I saw this were obviously more for bulking up of baits and increasing profit than just for improving prebiotic-related or immunity and digestion-boosting functioning of bait!
Wherever a bait contains a significant content of carbohydrate, especially in conjunction with any high omega or related oil and fat content, (including that found in hemp oil, soya flour, fish meals, marine meals and so on,) it all means energy storage for carp to both produce and then needs to burn off!
In nature, carp and other omnivorous creatures such as humans and even early dog bloodlines feed upon vegetation. Part of this is to improve metabolism and digestion and to improve food throughput functionally plus increase blood sugar burning efficiency and balancing of many systems including boosting the immune system in various ways, plus many other aspects.
The potent pigments within plant materials including Carophyll increase metabolism and internal balancing and other effects and impacts very healthily and are essential for balancing of the energy system of fish.
I have noticed for that wels catfish have shown a positive sensitivity to red kidney beans and sweetcorn for instance. This is far than just about raw energy. Per temperature regime increase these fish require higher levels of protein, calorific oils and protein, when compared to carp. But they still require their inner energy system to be balanced by the active components within the foods they consume.
Both carp and catfish will predominantly consume protein-rich food at many periods of the year and in fact their bodies evolved in ways precisely to do this and to most efficiently digest and assimilate amino acids. But carbohydrates are very poor in amino acids. Carbohydrates are used in old fashioned food baits to spare protein so more is actually converted biologically instead of being wasted.
But bait is far more about creating internal balance than about protein, because this is just one part of the whole balancing of the internal system. This is part of the reason why many bait formulations which are not designed using high or balanced nutritional type food baits are highly successful without being baits that reward fish with actual food nutrients. Such baits when constantly changed just keep on catching fish and work instantly requiring use of far less bait and costing far less money!
I am interested in such baits because the vast majority of carp anglers over feed their swims with readymade baits and I have discovered the extent to which carp and catfish are sensitive to other more potent, alternate sources of factors that balance their internal energy and physical physiological systems on significant levels, that make fish more energy efficient!
If you wondered if or why hemp oil is actually a true feeding trigger as well as a truly effective attractor here are some very strong reasons! Firstly, hemp seed oil actually has all the essential amino acids but more surprisingly, it is significantly high in a true carp feeding trigger, arginine (a metabolic precursor). This is important because it is converted to nitric oxide (NO,) in the body.
This particular molecule is very important indeed to me as a human and to carp, because it acts as a signaling messenger in the heart and blood supply system where it is used in controlling arterial wall interactions with platelet and leucocytes, controlling vascular tone, homeostasis, fibrinolysis, the positive growth of smooth vascular muscle cells and regulation of blood pressure as a whole! All these are addictive effects in carp and other fish and in humans.
For guaranteed quality hemp oil, one great source is Feedstimulants. An outstanding cumulatively acting and instant-acting liquid to use besides hemp oil is CC Moore Red Venom, (effective in all temperatures.) It contains a factor that enables the biggest creatures on earth, blue whales to attain and sustain such incredible size. There are benefits of including different forms of algae within your bait formulations and I recommend using both the Feedstimulant and CC Moore spirulina products alongside one another! (These contain all the attractive and fee-stimulatory amino acids carp are particularly sensitive to.)
Related to the impacts of hemp oil are certain impacts of garlic components. Garlic has been used as a carp attractor for decades. It is often used even more during cold weather periods. Its smell or taste really has very little significance compared to its internal impacts.
This is what I am most interested in and why certain flavours are merely useless labels or signals used for association, but lack real impacts such as the metabolism effects referred to here! The sulphur type compounds found in garlic may well have some positive relationship to the sulphur form amino acids which are so stimulatory to carp, but for very different reasons!
Some of the instinctive attraction of garlic to fish such as carp is the concentration of garlic allicin or garlicin it contains.
This attractor and palatability factor works not merely in the winter but all year round in a huge variety of bait formats and flavours and themes of baits without being over-powering.
This extract has truly active impacts on your fish even without them picking up any whole bait as they detect it via filtration feeding. One advantage of using such active substances is that you can use less bait yet catch more fish, due to the power of such components.
It is definitely best to use the most concentrated form of garlic possible for maximum effects! You can obtain the most uniquely concentrated garlic (in the form of garlicin,) from Feedstimulants (online!)
Fenugreek is a well known carp attractor and genuine active and palatability enhancing stimulatory bait additive. Fenugreek seeds contain a potent component which dramatically positively increases the direction of blood sugar to the muscles, instead of blood sugar being directed towards storage as glycogen in the form of fat mainly (around peripheral body storage zones outside of fueling the major organs!) This is just one outstanding reason why fenugreek is such an awesome carp bait additive. But fenugreek is best utilised in the most concentrated form possible, as opposed to whole fenugreek powder (often negatively oxidized.)
There is a superior alternative to exploit within all your baits, which is even better than fresh crushed fenugreek seeds. Thankfully you can now actually source pure fenugreek oleoresin from the new bait additive specialist, Feedstimulants (online!)
The benefits of black pepper were described in my first ebook but now you can source the most pure and most concentrated form possible from a supplier that actually chose his products based on my ebooks i.e. Feedstimulants.
Therefore I am very pleased that Luc is supplying pure form black pepper, piperine. As an attractant this hugely potent additive additive is effective in promoting feeding activity in all conditions, (even in the lowest of winter temperatures!) It is a genuine big fish catcher! Each of these additives will improve your catches to a significant degree.
Personally my focus is on absolute optimization and maximisation of bait effects; for genuine maximisation of time on the bank in terms of big fish catch results (and teaching the art and skills and knowledge of how to do this!) This is a totally different goal and often a completely opposite goal compared to that of commercial readymade bait makers! Revealed in my unique ready made bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!
By Tim Richardson.