Fly-in Duck Hunting in Canada
- Waterfowl seasons in Canada run from September to December. Individual seasons vary by province. Manitoba, for example, has several duck hunting zones with seasons that start in early September and close by the middle of December. The Saskatchewan duck season opens Sept. 1 and closes Dec. 16.
- Duck hunting in Canada requires several licenses and stamps. Regardless of the province, you must purchase a Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp. The cost is $17. British Columbia charges Canadian non-residents $75 for a hunting license and foreign non-residents $180. Alberta offers a six-day non-resident waterfowl license for $78.50. All costs are as of 2010. Buy the permits and stamps online or at a license vendor before leaving on your trip.
- Federal duck hunting regulations, such as bag and possession limits, are in force in every province. In 2010, the daily bag limit for ducks is eight, of which not more than four may be pintails. The possession limit is 16, or twice the daily bag limit, and cannot contain more than eight pintails. Other regulations may vary, based on the province. Consult the regulations booklet. If you intend to transport any ducks, at least one wing must be attached to the carcass to identify its species and sex.
- During a fly-in duck hunt, there are several factors to consider. Often, during a fly-in hunt, the pilot will leave you at a specific location and return after a set number of days. A satellite phone is recommended, in case there is an accident or a health issue before the pilot returns. A satellite camp may also be used if weather prevents the pilot from landing the plane. Be prepared for adverse conditions or mishaps; pack extra clothing and first-aid equipment.
- Fly-in hunts have several advantages over a traditional hunt. A fly-in hunt can take you to places where few hunters have been. Birds there have not been under as much hunting pressure as in some areas. Canada is a significant breeding ground for ducks, and you may witness thousands of ducks during your trip.
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