Nothing You Accomplish In Your Life Is Important Unless You Know God
Did you know that anything you accomplish in your life is meaningless unless you give yourself to God? Did you know that only God can give you the strength to reach your dreams? Did you know that if you achieve something without gods help that it is not real? Did you know that only those things you do that are Gods will are important? Did you know that god is all knowing and knows what is best for each one of us? Did you know that God has a plan for us and that we must give our lives to God in order to have meaning? Did you that those who do not know god have no moral grounding? Did you know that the Bible is truth and only through reading it can we even begin to understand God? Did you know that the human brain can never comprehend infinity or all that God knows? You see, nothing you accomplish in your life is important unless you know God! It does not matter unless you believe in God and have given yourself to god and live your life for God.
God is great and we must always serve his will and do everything for God first and foremost.
Did you know that if you are good and do Gods work you will go to heaven and spend an eternity of bliss and be one with God? Did you ever stop to think who makes this stuff up?
God is great and we must always serve his will and do everything for God first and foremost.
Did you know that if you are good and do Gods work you will go to heaven and spend an eternity of bliss and be one with God? Did you ever stop to think who makes this stuff up?