Most serviced apartments all over the world are built in two or three bedroom apartments. They are arranged in a way to suit different people with different financial strengths, and this is what an investor must bear in mind while setting up this business. Don't chase away the high profile visitors with the substandard nature of your apartments, and also, don't scare those that are not financially strong with super-standard apartments. Have different apartments for different people that may visit your apartment. These apartments are arranged according to the numerical strength of the visitors, and it comes with different names like gold, silver, diamond, bronze etc. It is often advised that the numerical arrangements are far better than the financial arrangement because, as the size of the apartments increases, the money that comes out of it increases also.
The magnitude or size of the property is what determines the process. The bigger apartments come with facilities like gymnasium, health care facility, etc. So the first thing the investor has to do is to conduct a market research before setting up this project. This is very necessary, considering the fact that real estate investment is capital intensive, and since you don't want to fail, (a lot of investors fail to meet up with their investment goals) you have to do a thorough feasibility study before setting up your project. Some questions must be answered before you can be sure that an investment will be profitable or not, and some of the questions are;
1) Who are the visitors in this area?
2) How viable is your business plan as regards to that particular location?
3) What are the things that will attract customers to that location?
4) Is it easy to source materials in that area?
You must provide answers to these questions before you can be sure to that your investments will yield result or not, and failure to find answers to these questions means that you have started failing even before setting up your business. Do a proper feasibility study, as this will give you the accurate picture of what you stand to gain or loose by citing your investment in an area.
After the feasibility study, another intricate part of your investment has to do with the process of land acquisition. Be sure to involve the professionals' i.e. the estate surveyors and valuers, as well as the lawyers who will take care of the legal aspect of this investment. After acquiring the land, the next stage is the architectural design. This may be either simple or complex, depending on your investment goal. The complex designs may take some time to accomplish, but make sure to involve professionals like the mechanical and electrical engineers, as well as qualified structural engineers. From here, you will now proceed to the financial aspect of the project. Most estate investors use the services of banks or other mortgage institutions, depending on your credit worthiness. If you have a good credit line, you can get a good facility that will assist you with the timely execution of your projects.
The construction is usually carried out by some construction companies, while some developers use direct labor. This is a wise strategy as it saves cost. When properly
The magnitude or size of the property is what determines the process. The bigger apartments come with facilities like gymnasium, health care facility, etc. So the first thing the investor has to do is to conduct a market research before setting up this project. This is very necessary, considering the fact that real estate investment is capital intensive, and since you don't want to fail, (a lot of investors fail to meet up with their investment goals) you have to do a thorough feasibility study before setting up your project. Some questions must be answered before you can be sure that an investment will be profitable or not, and some of the questions are;
1) Who are the visitors in this area?
2) How viable is your business plan as regards to that particular location?
3) What are the things that will attract customers to that location?
4) Is it easy to source materials in that area?
You must provide answers to these questions before you can be sure to that your investments will yield result or not, and failure to find answers to these questions means that you have started failing even before setting up your business. Do a proper feasibility study, as this will give you the accurate picture of what you stand to gain or loose by citing your investment in an area.
After the feasibility study, another intricate part of your investment has to do with the process of land acquisition. Be sure to involve the professionals' i.e. the estate surveyors and valuers, as well as the lawyers who will take care of the legal aspect of this investment. After acquiring the land, the next stage is the architectural design. This may be either simple or complex, depending on your investment goal. The complex designs may take some time to accomplish, but make sure to involve professionals like the mechanical and electrical engineers, as well as qualified structural engineers. From here, you will now proceed to the financial aspect of the project. Most estate investors use the services of banks or other mortgage institutions, depending on your credit worthiness. If you have a good credit line, you can get a good facility that will assist you with the timely execution of your projects.
The construction is usually carried out by some construction companies, while some developers use direct labor. This is a wise strategy as it saves cost. When properly