Fimo Clay Ideas
- Liven up kids parties with Fimo clay activities. Choose a theme to help get kids started. Make simple Christmas tree ornaments using cookie cutters if it's a winter party, or make flowers or leaves if it's a summer party. Show kids how to roll clay into sausage-shapes to make coils for pots or bowls. The activity will keep them occupied, and they'll have something cool to take home after the party.
- Experiment with marbling techniques by mixing different colors of Fimo clay together, stopping before the two or more colors merge completely so you get a streaked effect. This is a good way of using up small scraps of colors that might otherwise get discarded. Roll out the streaked, marbled Fimo into a sausage shape then cut it into cylindrical beads. Make them as large or small as you like, pushing a needle through the center to make the threading hole. Alternatively, roll the marbled Fimo flat and cut circles or squares. Poke a couple of holes in the middle of the shape to make a button.
- Create small art images to display in the home with Fimo. Mix several complimentary colors together, then roll out the clay on a flat surface. Look for abstract images in the clay, in the same way you'd look for shapes or pictures in cloud formations. When you've spotted a pattern you like, or one that suggests a recognizable image, such as a person or animal, give it definition by drawing around the outline with a stylus or any small tool such as a toothpick. Stipple the background with a ball stylus by gently tapping the ball into the clay to make little indentations over the surface, keeping the main image smooth so it stands out. Bake the finished piece following the manufacturer's instructions.
- Make either human-form figurines or fantasy animals and creatures. Fantasy animals are the most simple for beginners, as they have no definite form and there is no right or wrong. Kids especially like to use their imagination to bring dreamed-up creatures to life. Model bodies from balls of clay, legs from rolled out sausage shapes, and wings from marbled clay rolled flat then cut to shape. Use ordinary household objects such as a dining fork to sculpt out facial features or hair. Add extra details after baking by painting with acrylic paints. Make painted clay models more durable with a finishing coat of acryic-based varnish.