The Secrets Of Inner Game For Incredible Attraction And Effortless Seduction
Forget outer game, it's all about inner game.
Why? When you've got strong inner game, outer game will take care of itself.
Outer game is just the icing on the cake.
Strong inner game is such a delicious cake that you don't even need icing.
Where does strong inner game come from? A strong set of beliefs.
Beliefs about yourself.
Beliefs about your capabilities.
Beliefs about your potential.
Instead of judging yourself how you perform, and what people think of you, consider yourself based on how YOU think of you.
After all, people will generally treat you like you treat yourself.
If you don't like yourself very much, most other people won't either, even if you've masterful OUTER game.
But if you really honestly like and respect yourself, no matter what, other people will like you too, no matter what.
How do you get there? Self acceptance, and self appreciation.
Accept yourself however you are, right there, right now.
Not only that, but appreciate yourself.
Forget the past, the future, only focus on right now.
The more you appreciate yourself, the more others will.
Because when you meet somebody for the first time, when you approach a girl, they have no idea how to treat you.
So they subconsciously use your treatment of yourself as a guide.
If you honestly like, accept and appreciate yourself, you'll never have any problems getting all the girls you want.
Spend a few minutes, every day, just sitting with yourself.
Accept and appreciate yourself.
If you take some to read some popular outer game behavior, as it's taught on forums and seduction manuals, you'll find it's the basic behavior of somebody who is just completely comfortable in his own skin.
Take the famous, "Cocky and funny" routine.
Is a girl really attracted to cocky humor? Are girls really attracted to guys who playfully make fun of them, and tell them their shoes don't match? Not at all.
But they ARE incredibly attracted to guys who aren't worried too much about getting rejected.
When you behave with a cocky and funny attitude, what you're really doing is showing her evidence that you don't really care if she rejects you or not.
And if you don't care if she rejects you, then you aren't overtly trying to "pick her up.
" This means that you're enjoying her company, but you're not doing anything specifically to please her.
You don't have any particular outcome.
So the whole, "cocky and funny" routine is really just to try and convince her that underneath, you're calm, confident and unconcerned.
When you really ARE, calm, confident, and unconcerned, you can be cocky and funny if you want.
But pretty much ANY behavior will be attractive, so long as you've got the REAL inner game.
Why? When you've got strong inner game, outer game will take care of itself.
Outer game is just the icing on the cake.
Strong inner game is such a delicious cake that you don't even need icing.
Where does strong inner game come from? A strong set of beliefs.
Beliefs about yourself.
Beliefs about your capabilities.
Beliefs about your potential.
Instead of judging yourself how you perform, and what people think of you, consider yourself based on how YOU think of you.
After all, people will generally treat you like you treat yourself.
If you don't like yourself very much, most other people won't either, even if you've masterful OUTER game.
But if you really honestly like and respect yourself, no matter what, other people will like you too, no matter what.
How do you get there? Self acceptance, and self appreciation.
Accept yourself however you are, right there, right now.
Not only that, but appreciate yourself.
Forget the past, the future, only focus on right now.
The more you appreciate yourself, the more others will.
Because when you meet somebody for the first time, when you approach a girl, they have no idea how to treat you.
So they subconsciously use your treatment of yourself as a guide.
If you honestly like, accept and appreciate yourself, you'll never have any problems getting all the girls you want.
Spend a few minutes, every day, just sitting with yourself.
Accept and appreciate yourself.
If you take some to read some popular outer game behavior, as it's taught on forums and seduction manuals, you'll find it's the basic behavior of somebody who is just completely comfortable in his own skin.
Take the famous, "Cocky and funny" routine.
Is a girl really attracted to cocky humor? Are girls really attracted to guys who playfully make fun of them, and tell them their shoes don't match? Not at all.
But they ARE incredibly attracted to guys who aren't worried too much about getting rejected.
When you behave with a cocky and funny attitude, what you're really doing is showing her evidence that you don't really care if she rejects you or not.
And if you don't care if she rejects you, then you aren't overtly trying to "pick her up.
" This means that you're enjoying her company, but you're not doing anything specifically to please her.
You don't have any particular outcome.
So the whole, "cocky and funny" routine is really just to try and convince her that underneath, you're calm, confident and unconcerned.
When you really ARE, calm, confident, and unconcerned, you can be cocky and funny if you want.
But pretty much ANY behavior will be attractive, so long as you've got the REAL inner game.