How to Avoid Pickpockets in Europe
1Maintain vigilance. Do not allow strangers to intentionally approach or touch you for any reason.
Avoid letting others see where you keep your money. Be as inconspicuous as possible when paying for things.
Keep all valuables on your person and close to you at all times, preferably in front of your body. Wear your backpack under your arm rather than on your back, where it is out of your sight. If you must carry a purse or bag, choose one that you can carry across your chest.
Store money and credit cards in a money belt around your waist or neck. If must keep something in your pocket, make sure it is a tight-fitting pocket that buttons or zips shut.
Use safety pins to secure zippers on your purses, backpacks, pockets or fanny packs. Make sure that your bags are closed at all times. An open bag is an easy target for pickpockets.
Sleep with valuables under your pillow on trains or in hostels, especially if you are sharing the space with a stranger.
Place the strap of a purse or backpack under your chair leg to deter pickpockets while you are seated at a restaurant or elsewhere. Never leave a bag hanging on back of your chair.
Leave anything you don't need on you locked in the hotel safe. Take only one credit card and a small amount of cash for the day. Even better, carry travelers' checks in lieu of cash. Also, carry only a photocopy of the first page of your passport rather than the real thing.
Maintain physical contact with your luggage at the airport or while you're traveling to or from your hotel. The more bags you carry, the easier it will be for a pickpocket to target one of them, so don't give them the opportunity.
Keep your wallet, camera or other valuables at the bottom of your backpack or knapsack if you are carrying one. If a pickpocket does manage to get your bag open, he or she will have to rummage around to find anything of value.
Maintain extreme caution in highly crowded areas, including public transportation and elevators or escalators. Hold your possessions in your hands to ensure no one has access to them.