Is the Government Breaking the Law? Learn About the BNA Act.
I normally write on Natural Health, Natural Healing and Home Remedies but I thought it my duty as a CANADIAN to shed a little light on the Canadian Constitution, also referred to by many as the B.N.A. ACT. Now you may say, what does a writer on Natural Health know about Politics. Well you know the old saying € Just don't bring up Religion or Polictics in Public €. Well guess what, Religion and Politics are my specialty so buckle up, cause we're going for a ride. I want you to know some facts so you may manage stress better in your life. Call it stress management or stress relief but once you know all the facts then and only then are you able to do something about it. My site is named freedomfrominfirmities for a reason. It also means freedom from weaknesses, freedom from worries and freedom from stress. This is your Stress Test. Since owing the government money is one of the causes of stress, not to mention it is income tax time, wait till you hear the story of a man who has not paid income tax for nearly 50 years before he died. He used the Constitution in his favour and won. Here is your Constitutional Right not to mention some stress relief.
Our Canadian Constitution was established in 1867 which was called the B.N.A. ( British North America ) ACT. The purpose of establishing this most precious and valuable document was to set the precedent for law in this country. Whether it is a municipal, provincial or federal government, all must adhere to the terms of the B.N.A. Act. If they do not adhere to the terms of the Constitution then it is referred to as € Unconstitutional €. Now hang in there for a shocker. As of 1913 the Government gave the Banks the sole right to create financial credit by passing an amendment to the B.N.A. Act which is referred to as € The Bank Act €. No longer has the Government the right to print money for our country. The federal government in essence gave the banking system the exclusive right to create the financial credit ( the money ) for our country. This all happened in 1913. Prior to this date the government printed it's own money but not any longer.
Now since we are on the topic of the € Bank Act € let me give you another startling revelation. Most people believe that most banks lend out depositor's money but that is only a partial truth.The Bank Act is very specific and it states € the bank must retain the depositor's money on account and must pay him or her interest on it.€ So how is the money created that the bank lends out? It is through credit, since the Bank Act states € the Bank may create out of nothing, new credit ( money ) through loans but said loans must have a relationship to the deposits.€ The point I am trying to make here is this, we the people, must stand up for our constitutional rights irregardless what political party we belong to. The Government has created the mess with our credit system and since bankruptcies is at an all time high we the people must speak up. Furthermore to demand GST is totally € Unconstitutional.€ Here is Proof!
In 1917 the Federal Income Tax was established which due to the ravages of War, our government inherited an huge national debt. So low and behold € the War Debt Income Tax Act € was created. But listen very carefully to what I am going to say. When Income Tax came into existence it was on a voluntary basis only and at a rate of 10% per annum to individuals or business's earning $10,000.00 or more per year. Guess what, the average yearly salary per citizen back then was only about $250.00 to $300.00. Only those that could afford it paid it back then but the government now says it is mandatory. The Government has strayed so far from the Constitution, it is our duty as citizens to bring it back to the Constitution. Yes the G.S.T. is unconstitutional and so is the government demanding income tax from us as individuals.
Now let me prove what I am saying here. Yes to demand Income Tax from individuals is not only € Unconstitutional€ but it is also € Illegal.€ There is a man named Gerry Hart who never paid income tax for almost 50 years. He recently passed away in Winnipeg, Manitoba but his legacy lives on. He has been to court 22 times but has never lost a case. Go ahead and punch in his name Gerry Hart and you will be amazed to read what you will read. Now let me summarize what was the result in one of the cases € The Queen vs Hart Electronics Limited € published in 59 Dominion Tax Cases 1192 Manitoba Court of Appeal July 8, 1959. The Queens Appeal was dismissed since Mr. Hart did send his T-2 form with certain information did constitute filing a tax return. It does not disclose what information he sent in, just that he did submit a T-2 form.
Now how did Gerry Hart beat the Government at it's own game. In 1950 Gerry Hart received a ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada which said € according to Section 91 and 92 of the B.N.A. Act, it does not allow the Federal Government to be in the Income Tax business.€ Gerry Hart has never been convicted under the Income Tax Act. We pay enough in taxes all around and for the government to demand income tax is illegal. By the way Gerry Hart never had legal counsel defend him in court, he defended himself and the only 2 documents he needed was the Supreme Court Ruling and a copy of the B.N.A. Act. So if you are under Stress because you owe the Government. Relax and learn what your Constitutional right is. Just file your report but don't send any money. Remember first of all Income Tax is voluntary according to the War Debt Income Tax Act and secondly the Supreme Court ruling which states; € according to section 91 & 92 of the B.N.A. Act, the Government does not have the right to be in the Income Tax business.€
Now does that relieve stress for you? I call it Stress Management. Yes owing the Government is one of the causes of stress. So how do you release anxiety and stress? By knowing the Truth, Remember the Truth Shall Set You Free. Just another way to be stress free for the day especially if you owe taxes to the Canadian Government.
The previous information is excerpts from a paper that was delivered in October, 1991, by Mr. Murray Gauvreau of Alberta, at a seminar of the Canadian League of Rights, in Calgary, which was published in the July 1992 issue of € The Canadian Intelligence Service € ( 55-8th Ave. S.E., High River, Alberta T1V1E8 ).
Our Canadian Constitution was established in 1867 which was called the B.N.A. ( British North America ) ACT. The purpose of establishing this most precious and valuable document was to set the precedent for law in this country. Whether it is a municipal, provincial or federal government, all must adhere to the terms of the B.N.A. Act. If they do not adhere to the terms of the Constitution then it is referred to as € Unconstitutional €. Now hang in there for a shocker. As of 1913 the Government gave the Banks the sole right to create financial credit by passing an amendment to the B.N.A. Act which is referred to as € The Bank Act €. No longer has the Government the right to print money for our country. The federal government in essence gave the banking system the exclusive right to create the financial credit ( the money ) for our country. This all happened in 1913. Prior to this date the government printed it's own money but not any longer.
Now since we are on the topic of the € Bank Act € let me give you another startling revelation. Most people believe that most banks lend out depositor's money but that is only a partial truth.The Bank Act is very specific and it states € the bank must retain the depositor's money on account and must pay him or her interest on it.€ So how is the money created that the bank lends out? It is through credit, since the Bank Act states € the Bank may create out of nothing, new credit ( money ) through loans but said loans must have a relationship to the deposits.€ The point I am trying to make here is this, we the people, must stand up for our constitutional rights irregardless what political party we belong to. The Government has created the mess with our credit system and since bankruptcies is at an all time high we the people must speak up. Furthermore to demand GST is totally € Unconstitutional.€ Here is Proof!
In 1917 the Federal Income Tax was established which due to the ravages of War, our government inherited an huge national debt. So low and behold € the War Debt Income Tax Act € was created. But listen very carefully to what I am going to say. When Income Tax came into existence it was on a voluntary basis only and at a rate of 10% per annum to individuals or business's earning $10,000.00 or more per year. Guess what, the average yearly salary per citizen back then was only about $250.00 to $300.00. Only those that could afford it paid it back then but the government now says it is mandatory. The Government has strayed so far from the Constitution, it is our duty as citizens to bring it back to the Constitution. Yes the G.S.T. is unconstitutional and so is the government demanding income tax from us as individuals.
Now let me prove what I am saying here. Yes to demand Income Tax from individuals is not only € Unconstitutional€ but it is also € Illegal.€ There is a man named Gerry Hart who never paid income tax for almost 50 years. He recently passed away in Winnipeg, Manitoba but his legacy lives on. He has been to court 22 times but has never lost a case. Go ahead and punch in his name Gerry Hart and you will be amazed to read what you will read. Now let me summarize what was the result in one of the cases € The Queen vs Hart Electronics Limited € published in 59 Dominion Tax Cases 1192 Manitoba Court of Appeal July 8, 1959. The Queens Appeal was dismissed since Mr. Hart did send his T-2 form with certain information did constitute filing a tax return. It does not disclose what information he sent in, just that he did submit a T-2 form.
Now how did Gerry Hart beat the Government at it's own game. In 1950 Gerry Hart received a ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada which said € according to Section 91 and 92 of the B.N.A. Act, it does not allow the Federal Government to be in the Income Tax business.€ Gerry Hart has never been convicted under the Income Tax Act. We pay enough in taxes all around and for the government to demand income tax is illegal. By the way Gerry Hart never had legal counsel defend him in court, he defended himself and the only 2 documents he needed was the Supreme Court Ruling and a copy of the B.N.A. Act. So if you are under Stress because you owe the Government. Relax and learn what your Constitutional right is. Just file your report but don't send any money. Remember first of all Income Tax is voluntary according to the War Debt Income Tax Act and secondly the Supreme Court ruling which states; € according to section 91 & 92 of the B.N.A. Act, the Government does not have the right to be in the Income Tax business.€
Now does that relieve stress for you? I call it Stress Management. Yes owing the Government is one of the causes of stress. So how do you release anxiety and stress? By knowing the Truth, Remember the Truth Shall Set You Free. Just another way to be stress free for the day especially if you owe taxes to the Canadian Government.
The previous information is excerpts from a paper that was delivered in October, 1991, by Mr. Murray Gauvreau of Alberta, at a seminar of the Canadian League of Rights, in Calgary, which was published in the July 1992 issue of € The Canadian Intelligence Service € ( 55-8th Ave. S.E., High River, Alberta T1V1E8 ).