SGLI to VGLI Conversion
- Veterans can purchase up to $400,000 in VGLI coverage in increments of $10,000, as long as the amount of coverage is equal to or less than the amount of SGLI they had elected at the time of separation.
- VGLI costs vary by age, and are the same for men and women. In July 2008, monthly premiums were reduced for ages 30 to 64, which accounts for about 85 percent of all VGLI policies.
- You have one year and 120 days from discharge to convert your policy. There is no need for a medical exam if you convert within the first 120 days of leaving military service. You can apply online by following the links on the VGLI page of the Department of Veterans Affairs website, or by downloading an application and mailing it.
VGLI Coverage
Converting From SGLI to VGLI