Post Nasal Drip Remedy
Post Nasal Drip, also referred to as PND, occurs when the sinuses produce excess mucus that accumulates in the throat or the nose.
PND sufferers usually experience the need to swallow constantly, a tickling sensation in the back of the throat, congestion in the nasal and sinus passages, and a chronic sore throat.
Bad breath and coughing are also symptoms associated with PND, along with crystals that form on the tonsils.
Because PND causes symptoms that can be annoying and difficult to deal with, it is important to take steps to make the symptoms less noticeable.
The most important remedy for PND is blowing your nose frequently, in order to rid the sinuses of the excess mucus being produced.
It can also prevent mucus from dripping from the nose; since the amount is significantly decreased each time you blow your nose.
Avoiding dairy products is also important for postnasal drip sufferers, since dairy has shown to increase mucus production in the body.
The excessive amounts of sugar in milk and other dairy products actually feeds that bacteria, which then molds to the throat and back of the nose to create even more mucus.
Instead try soymilk, or other beverages that are not packed full of lactose.
Water is best for PND patients, since it keeps the mucus lining moist and allows the cilia to perform at its best.
Flushing your mouth out with salt water can help to clear your throat and voice, and warm water will also help to keep your sinuses moist.
Use about ½ teaspoon salt and eight ounces of warm water, and gargle the water for at least thirty seconds.
PND usually worsens during the winter months, but using a humidifier when you go to sleep can prevent this.
Make sure you purchase one that can hold up to a couple gallons of water, so it can run all night and allow you to sleep peacefully and wake up without being stuffed up.
The humidifier will help to keep the excess mucus being produced moist, so it won't dry out and get thick enough to notice.
You can even purchase a humidifier that uses a menthol inhalant, since this will help to clear out your nasal passages even more than a standard humidifier.
The most important remedy for PND is to rest, since stress is one of the major causes of many types of illnesses.
By taking only a few minutes each day to focus on yourself or something that you like doing, you can forget about everything else going on in your life that may be causing you stress.
By just taking out a few minutes, you can feel more relaxed and will notice an increase in your overall health.
PND sufferers usually experience the need to swallow constantly, a tickling sensation in the back of the throat, congestion in the nasal and sinus passages, and a chronic sore throat.
Bad breath and coughing are also symptoms associated with PND, along with crystals that form on the tonsils.
Because PND causes symptoms that can be annoying and difficult to deal with, it is important to take steps to make the symptoms less noticeable.
The most important remedy for PND is blowing your nose frequently, in order to rid the sinuses of the excess mucus being produced.
It can also prevent mucus from dripping from the nose; since the amount is significantly decreased each time you blow your nose.
Avoiding dairy products is also important for postnasal drip sufferers, since dairy has shown to increase mucus production in the body.
The excessive amounts of sugar in milk and other dairy products actually feeds that bacteria, which then molds to the throat and back of the nose to create even more mucus.
Instead try soymilk, or other beverages that are not packed full of lactose.
Water is best for PND patients, since it keeps the mucus lining moist and allows the cilia to perform at its best.
Flushing your mouth out with salt water can help to clear your throat and voice, and warm water will also help to keep your sinuses moist.
Use about ½ teaspoon salt and eight ounces of warm water, and gargle the water for at least thirty seconds.
PND usually worsens during the winter months, but using a humidifier when you go to sleep can prevent this.
Make sure you purchase one that can hold up to a couple gallons of water, so it can run all night and allow you to sleep peacefully and wake up without being stuffed up.
The humidifier will help to keep the excess mucus being produced moist, so it won't dry out and get thick enough to notice.
You can even purchase a humidifier that uses a menthol inhalant, since this will help to clear out your nasal passages even more than a standard humidifier.
The most important remedy for PND is to rest, since stress is one of the major causes of many types of illnesses.
By taking only a few minutes each day to focus on yourself or something that you like doing, you can forget about everything else going on in your life that may be causing you stress.
By just taking out a few minutes, you can feel more relaxed and will notice an increase in your overall health.