How You Can Treat Asthma Without Steroids - The Salt Room
Salt rooms are a part of a rising trend for curing respiratory diseases including asthma all around the world.
These rooms contain big blocks of salt imported from Ukraine mostly.
All you have to do is sit in comfortable chairs for an hour and experience the healing and calming effect of pure salt.
A salt room is a unique compound used to treat breathing problems, asthma, bronchitis, allergic diseases of respiratory system, and more.
Salt rooms are actually giant salt blocks that come from 300 meters below ground, brought from very ancient salt mines in Ukraine.
Salt room treatment existed for many years in European countries like Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and Russia.
2 powerful affects of pure salt The effect of breathing salt was discovered in 1939 when the Germans occupied Poland.
Among the refugees who fled to the mountains, some found refuge in caves containing salt at a depth of 180 meters below ground.
Among them there were those who had respiratory diseases.
After a while, the healing effect of pure salt began to be noticed.
The concentration of salt particles in the air allows its penetration through the lung walls, and the formation of medical activity.
Saline environment prevents the development of bronchial infections, affects the bronchial mucosa and drainage cleaning, eases allergic conditions, and creates a positive feeling through the air enrichment negative ions in the air.
The second effect is antiseptic.
Saline environment disinfects the air.
This provides an absolute calm environment for the respiratory system.
Salt room treatment is a method of treatment that simulates a high concentration of salty air even in a closed room.
Air saturated with salt spray penetrates deep into the lungs and bronchial tubes and has a powerful healing effect on asthma.
It widens the airways, making it easier to breathe.
Beyond that, the salt is anti-bacterial and sterile salt air is full of negative ions and is purified from bacteria allergens, allowing the strengthening and balancing of the body's immune system.
Not only for asthma, the benefits for healthy people The treatment is beneficial for patients of all ages, who suffer from asthma, bronchitis, allergies and diseases of the respiratory system, but not only.
The positive effects of the treatment is not only for sick people, but also for healthy people working indoors, where there are high dust quantities, bacteria and other contaminants.
Testimonials Parents of children with asthma in Israel report that after 10 sessions, their children sleep relaxed and almost no mucus.
"Before the treatment", reports Ron Cohen, one of the parents, "my son could not exercise without tiring very quickly, and now he has returned doing sports and approving every day".
These rooms contain big blocks of salt imported from Ukraine mostly.
All you have to do is sit in comfortable chairs for an hour and experience the healing and calming effect of pure salt.
A salt room is a unique compound used to treat breathing problems, asthma, bronchitis, allergic diseases of respiratory system, and more.
Salt rooms are actually giant salt blocks that come from 300 meters below ground, brought from very ancient salt mines in Ukraine.
Salt room treatment existed for many years in European countries like Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and Russia.
2 powerful affects of pure salt The effect of breathing salt was discovered in 1939 when the Germans occupied Poland.
Among the refugees who fled to the mountains, some found refuge in caves containing salt at a depth of 180 meters below ground.
Among them there were those who had respiratory diseases.
After a while, the healing effect of pure salt began to be noticed.
The concentration of salt particles in the air allows its penetration through the lung walls, and the formation of medical activity.
Saline environment prevents the development of bronchial infections, affects the bronchial mucosa and drainage cleaning, eases allergic conditions, and creates a positive feeling through the air enrichment negative ions in the air.
The second effect is antiseptic.
Saline environment disinfects the air.
This provides an absolute calm environment for the respiratory system.
Salt room treatment is a method of treatment that simulates a high concentration of salty air even in a closed room.
Air saturated with salt spray penetrates deep into the lungs and bronchial tubes and has a powerful healing effect on asthma.
It widens the airways, making it easier to breathe.
Beyond that, the salt is anti-bacterial and sterile salt air is full of negative ions and is purified from bacteria allergens, allowing the strengthening and balancing of the body's immune system.
Not only for asthma, the benefits for healthy people The treatment is beneficial for patients of all ages, who suffer from asthma, bronchitis, allergies and diseases of the respiratory system, but not only.
The positive effects of the treatment is not only for sick people, but also for healthy people working indoors, where there are high dust quantities, bacteria and other contaminants.
Testimonials Parents of children with asthma in Israel report that after 10 sessions, their children sleep relaxed and almost no mucus.
"Before the treatment", reports Ron Cohen, one of the parents, "my son could not exercise without tiring very quickly, and now he has returned doing sports and approving every day".