How to Write a Friendly Greeting Text Message
- 1). Get into the Messages or Messaging function on your cellphone and select the appropriate option to create a new text message.
- 2). Add the phone number of the recipient of your text message into the message "To" field or select the recipient from your list of contacts.
- 3). Input your friendly greeting message into the "Message" field. Start your friendly greeting with a greeting word or phrase, such as "Hi," "Hello" or "Good morning."
- 4). Follow the greeting word or phrase with an inquiry about the well-being of the friend to whom you are sending the greeting. For example, you could ask, "How is your morning?" or "Is your day going well?"
- 5). Add an uplifting remark or closing statement at the end of your friendly greeting, such as "I hope you have a great day today" or "I'd love to hear from you this afternoon."
- 6). Press the "Send" button to send the message to the friend.