The DNA Blueprint
Every person in the world is unique.
This saying holds true not only in the physical or psychological aspect, but also in the physiological realms of reality.
Even twins who are formed from one egg cell and sperm cell are different in a lot of ways.
The existence as human beings is specifically defined by the DNA.
This genetic trademark is unique for every living entity.
This is the reason why it can be used to identify a certain individual through cellular samples such as the hair, mucosa, fingernails or body fluids.
Often, the word DNA is heard from shows like CSI, but despite the popularity, many people still ask what does DNA stand for.
DNA is an acronym for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid.
It is a nucleic acid that carries genetic instructions in the looks, construction and functioning of all living organisms.
It acts like a blueprint with codes or recipe that tells what or how cells, proteins and RNA molecules will be formed and arranged to come up with an organism that is similar in form and substance, but varies in detail.
The DNA is responsible for maintaining the characteristics of the specie.
It is also responsible for the differences in eye, hair or skin color, height, hair texture and the predisposition for certain diseases.
The DNA segments carrying genetic information are called genes while the long structures from which they are organized are called chromosomes.
The DNA is made up of two long polymers called nucleotides and backbones made from sugar and phosphate groups held together by ester bonds.
With each sugar, four types of bases are attached.
The sequence of these bases is the ones responsible for encoding information.
They specify the sequence of amino acids that form different proteins.
The process called transcription copies the genetic information from the DNA into the related nuclei acid, the RNA.
This is a very complex process that determines the form and functioning of cells, tissues, organs and systems.
Errors can result into major physical or physiological defects.
Indeed, the DNA is one miracle piece that continues to uphold the human race.
It is a mysterious jigsaw puzzle that is continually being solved so that the human existence can be fully fathomed.
This saying holds true not only in the physical or psychological aspect, but also in the physiological realms of reality.
Even twins who are formed from one egg cell and sperm cell are different in a lot of ways.
The existence as human beings is specifically defined by the DNA.
This genetic trademark is unique for every living entity.
This is the reason why it can be used to identify a certain individual through cellular samples such as the hair, mucosa, fingernails or body fluids.
Often, the word DNA is heard from shows like CSI, but despite the popularity, many people still ask what does DNA stand for.
DNA is an acronym for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid.
It is a nucleic acid that carries genetic instructions in the looks, construction and functioning of all living organisms.
It acts like a blueprint with codes or recipe that tells what or how cells, proteins and RNA molecules will be formed and arranged to come up with an organism that is similar in form and substance, but varies in detail.
The DNA is responsible for maintaining the characteristics of the specie.
It is also responsible for the differences in eye, hair or skin color, height, hair texture and the predisposition for certain diseases.
The DNA segments carrying genetic information are called genes while the long structures from which they are organized are called chromosomes.
The DNA is made up of two long polymers called nucleotides and backbones made from sugar and phosphate groups held together by ester bonds.
With each sugar, four types of bases are attached.
The sequence of these bases is the ones responsible for encoding information.
They specify the sequence of amino acids that form different proteins.
The process called transcription copies the genetic information from the DNA into the related nuclei acid, the RNA.
This is a very complex process that determines the form and functioning of cells, tissues, organs and systems.
Errors can result into major physical or physiological defects.
Indeed, the DNA is one miracle piece that continues to uphold the human race.
It is a mysterious jigsaw puzzle that is continually being solved so that the human existence can be fully fathomed.