Natural Hair Loss Remedies
Our days, many women suffer from massive hair loss, without any apparent reason.
What is there to do to recover your hair health and beauty? There are many possible reasons for hair loss, from stress to inadequate cosmetic treatments, the stop of taking oral birth control pills and a number of dermatological affections.
Should you alarm yourself? Just like the skin, the hair regenerates itself from time to time, losing a few hairs at some time being a very normal thing to a point.
The specialists agree on the fact that it's normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day, but who is counting them in the morning, and sees the hairbrush full? There are some cases in which hair loss is produced by a hormonal cause, like females at their menopause or the ones that just gave birth.
Usually, the hair loss problem is fixed when the hormonal equilibrium is regained.
This is why, when the condition becomes chronicle, you should see a specialist for a hair loss treatment.
The hairs from your head are growing again after a 3 months period of "rest" of the scalp.
Before seeing a doctor, you may try a few hair loss treatments provided by Mother Nature itself.
They are simple and, most times, efficient.
· Massage your head with olive oil for 10 days.
Preferably, cover your head afterwards and leave it to act for the night.
If that's impossible, try at least to massage your head with olive oil at least 2 hours before washing your hair.
· Massage your head with Castor-oil.
The procedure is the same as for olive oil.
· Horse-tail infusion is very good for rinsing the hair after washing it with a regular shampoo.
The procedure requires several weeks before showing results.
· Burs tincture.
Dip a cotton bud in the bur tincture and massage the head skin.
This is effective against dandruff as well.
· Nettles decoct or birch tree decoct, for rinsing also.
This helps strengthening the hair roots and faster regenerating of the hair.
· Prepare from apples, nettles, carrots, juices that you drink every morning one glass.
They are very good for gaining energy and minerals.
· Yeast - eat before every meal a small amount of yeast.
For good results, this treatment must be long lasting.
Yeast contains the whole B vitamin complex, which helps a lot hair growing.
What is there to do to recover your hair health and beauty? There are many possible reasons for hair loss, from stress to inadequate cosmetic treatments, the stop of taking oral birth control pills and a number of dermatological affections.
Should you alarm yourself? Just like the skin, the hair regenerates itself from time to time, losing a few hairs at some time being a very normal thing to a point.
The specialists agree on the fact that it's normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day, but who is counting them in the morning, and sees the hairbrush full? There are some cases in which hair loss is produced by a hormonal cause, like females at their menopause or the ones that just gave birth.
Usually, the hair loss problem is fixed when the hormonal equilibrium is regained.
This is why, when the condition becomes chronicle, you should see a specialist for a hair loss treatment.
The hairs from your head are growing again after a 3 months period of "rest" of the scalp.
Before seeing a doctor, you may try a few hair loss treatments provided by Mother Nature itself.
They are simple and, most times, efficient.
· Massage your head with olive oil for 10 days.
Preferably, cover your head afterwards and leave it to act for the night.
If that's impossible, try at least to massage your head with olive oil at least 2 hours before washing your hair.
· Massage your head with Castor-oil.
The procedure is the same as for olive oil.
· Horse-tail infusion is very good for rinsing the hair after washing it with a regular shampoo.
The procedure requires several weeks before showing results.
· Burs tincture.
Dip a cotton bud in the bur tincture and massage the head skin.
This is effective against dandruff as well.
· Nettles decoct or birch tree decoct, for rinsing also.
This helps strengthening the hair roots and faster regenerating of the hair.
· Prepare from apples, nettles, carrots, juices that you drink every morning one glass.
They are very good for gaining energy and minerals.
· Yeast - eat before every meal a small amount of yeast.
For good results, this treatment must be long lasting.
Yeast contains the whole B vitamin complex, which helps a lot hair growing.