The Spirit of Murder
Are we REALLY that surprised by the recent campus slaughter? Personally, I'm surprised that kind of thing doesn't occur MORE often.
Surely we aren't that good at rounding up all the "crazies" in society and placing them in mental institutions.
Whether it was V-tech, the UT sniper, such mass killings are less common than plane crashes.
Fortunately, they happen once in a blue moon.
Although the shooting at V-Tech was terrible, it pales in comparison to some of the horrific tragedies that are happening on our college campuses every day.
Despite what we've heard, what happened at V-Tech was NOT the worst mass murder in US history.
Actually, on May 18, 1927, forty-five people, mostly children, were killed and 58 injured when a disgruntled school board member dynamited the new school building in Bath, Michigan.
The statistical fact is, in America today, suicide and binge drinking kill far more college students than these terrible, albeit, very rare incidents.
CNN's populist anchor and "Early Show" contributor Lou Dobbs appeared on their April 17 edition to provide some perspective on the recent V-Tech massacre.
He said, "...
The Virginia Tech murders are horrible and senseless...
But for all our sakes, I hope we also ask ourselves why our society is permitting the routine slaughter of a far greater number of our young people on college campuses.
We should also ask ourselves why we're doing nothing about these senseless deaths and permitting death to be a rite of passage on our college campuses.
"The idea that 70,000 students each year are sexually assaulted and raped on our college campuses...
1,400 dying, 1,100 binge-drinking related deaths.
These are horrific numbers.
And yet there is no national commission, no national outrage and call to action.
And what I'm saying is, this is a great time for us to look honestly at what we're doing as a society and culture.
" I've got your "call to action" right here...
but who's listening? AMERICA'S CURSE The shedding of innocent blood brings a curse upon the land.
We must not be deceived; America is NOT the Christian nation we think it is.
We have many churches but nations where Christian gatherings are forbidden are bearing far greater fruit than we are.
When I read verses like Deuteronomy 19:10 (Lest innocent blood be shed in your land, which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance, and so blood guilt be upon you), I cannot help but think of all the blood we have shed upon our shores.
From native Indians to African slaves to the casualties of our wars, the blood of our innocents could float a battleship.
Add to these the murders caused by drive-by shooters, serial killers, mass murderers and the 4500 babies we've been killing every day for decades.
Manasseh, evil son of good King Hezekiah, not only worshiped other gods but he put their images in God's Temple.
Imagine! Children - gifts from God - were sacrificed to demons by their parents.
This practice still takes place today, only the demons are Lust, Adultery, Fornication, Hedonism and the like.
A lot of innocent blood has been shed here.
Among the six things the Lord hates (Prov 6:17-19), "hands that shed innocent blood" made the roster.
Where murder is concerned, God made provisions for various scenarios.
The Children of Israel knew what a big deal murder was in his sight.
They said, in Deuteronomy 21:8-9, "Forgive, O Lord, Your people Israel, whom You have redeemed, and do not allow the shedding of innocent blood to be charged to Your people Israel.
And the guilt of blood shall be forgiven them.
So shall you purge the guilt of innocent blood from among you, when you do what is right in the sight of the Lord.
" America's cry should be the same.
IS THERE ANY "GOOD" NEWS? The headlines today are replete with one murder case after another.
You want GOOD news? Here's the best news EVER! Two thousand years ago, innocent blood was shed for the forgiveness of the sins of all nations for all time.
It was the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ shed at the cross.
As we persist in killing one another, in much the way as mankind has always done, the wonder-working power of that blood remains available to all who will believe and follow after Him.
You know, the One whose blessed Name wasn't even mentioned at the V-Tech convocation.
Yes, THAT Jesus.
But how will they believe in His message without a preacher? Who will go to them if not us...
or do we wait for "them" to enter our church buildings? Murder is a horrible act in the eyes of the Lord.
Though the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness, God is not mocked; we will reap as we sow.
There ARE consequences for the sins of a nation.
The answer isn't gun control and it's not a safety issue.
The answer cannot be found in our patriotism or power.
The answer is to repent and turn to God as a nation in hopes that He will heal our land.
Every blessing, Michael Tummillo A servant of God http://www.
Surely we aren't that good at rounding up all the "crazies" in society and placing them in mental institutions.
Whether it was V-tech, the UT sniper, such mass killings are less common than plane crashes.
Fortunately, they happen once in a blue moon.
Although the shooting at V-Tech was terrible, it pales in comparison to some of the horrific tragedies that are happening on our college campuses every day.
Despite what we've heard, what happened at V-Tech was NOT the worst mass murder in US history.
Actually, on May 18, 1927, forty-five people, mostly children, were killed and 58 injured when a disgruntled school board member dynamited the new school building in Bath, Michigan.
The statistical fact is, in America today, suicide and binge drinking kill far more college students than these terrible, albeit, very rare incidents.
CNN's populist anchor and "Early Show" contributor Lou Dobbs appeared on their April 17 edition to provide some perspective on the recent V-Tech massacre.
He said, "...
The Virginia Tech murders are horrible and senseless...
But for all our sakes, I hope we also ask ourselves why our society is permitting the routine slaughter of a far greater number of our young people on college campuses.
We should also ask ourselves why we're doing nothing about these senseless deaths and permitting death to be a rite of passage on our college campuses.
"The idea that 70,000 students each year are sexually assaulted and raped on our college campuses...
1,400 dying, 1,100 binge-drinking related deaths.
These are horrific numbers.
And yet there is no national commission, no national outrage and call to action.
And what I'm saying is, this is a great time for us to look honestly at what we're doing as a society and culture.
" I've got your "call to action" right here...
but who's listening? AMERICA'S CURSE The shedding of innocent blood brings a curse upon the land.
We must not be deceived; America is NOT the Christian nation we think it is.
We have many churches but nations where Christian gatherings are forbidden are bearing far greater fruit than we are.
When I read verses like Deuteronomy 19:10 (Lest innocent blood be shed in your land, which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance, and so blood guilt be upon you), I cannot help but think of all the blood we have shed upon our shores.
From native Indians to African slaves to the casualties of our wars, the blood of our innocents could float a battleship.
Add to these the murders caused by drive-by shooters, serial killers, mass murderers and the 4500 babies we've been killing every day for decades.
Manasseh, evil son of good King Hezekiah, not only worshiped other gods but he put their images in God's Temple.
Imagine! Children - gifts from God - were sacrificed to demons by their parents.
This practice still takes place today, only the demons are Lust, Adultery, Fornication, Hedonism and the like.
A lot of innocent blood has been shed here.
Among the six things the Lord hates (Prov 6:17-19), "hands that shed innocent blood" made the roster.
Where murder is concerned, God made provisions for various scenarios.
The Children of Israel knew what a big deal murder was in his sight.
They said, in Deuteronomy 21:8-9, "Forgive, O Lord, Your people Israel, whom You have redeemed, and do not allow the shedding of innocent blood to be charged to Your people Israel.
And the guilt of blood shall be forgiven them.
So shall you purge the guilt of innocent blood from among you, when you do what is right in the sight of the Lord.
" America's cry should be the same.
IS THERE ANY "GOOD" NEWS? The headlines today are replete with one murder case after another.
You want GOOD news? Here's the best news EVER! Two thousand years ago, innocent blood was shed for the forgiveness of the sins of all nations for all time.
It was the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ shed at the cross.
As we persist in killing one another, in much the way as mankind has always done, the wonder-working power of that blood remains available to all who will believe and follow after Him.
You know, the One whose blessed Name wasn't even mentioned at the V-Tech convocation.
Yes, THAT Jesus.
But how will they believe in His message without a preacher? Who will go to them if not us...
or do we wait for "them" to enter our church buildings? Murder is a horrible act in the eyes of the Lord.
Though the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness, God is not mocked; we will reap as we sow.
There ARE consequences for the sins of a nation.
The answer isn't gun control and it's not a safety issue.
The answer cannot be found in our patriotism or power.
The answer is to repent and turn to God as a nation in hopes that He will heal our land.
Every blessing, Michael Tummillo A servant of God http://www.