Crystal and Indigo Children and Adults
Crystal and Indigo children and adults are gifted anomalies incarnated as humans on Earth for a specific purpose.
In simplest terms, they are ambassadors of healing the Earth and everyone and everything on it.
The first REAL wave of "ambassadors" (a.
starseed, angels, healers, lightworkers, shamans, etc.
) were native Americans as they healed and harmonized with mother earth, but Europeans put an end to that and eventually to the native American way of living.
The ravages of World War I inspired a second attempt at sending in ambassadors with the message of peace as single, unique entities.
However, one can see that Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Edgar Cayce, et al, did not succeed as evidenced by WWII, the Holocaust, Hiroshima and so forth.
It was decided that a real flood of help was required on this highly damaged planet which was getting worse, not better.
A third wave came with the baby-boomers (1946-64).
How many people know they are Crystal and Indigo adults? I would like to share stories.
Born in February 1942, I grew up in rural South Dakota, as a suppressed Indigo child.
In 1994, I reached a state of courage to begin speaking about my profound experiences.
The political and social changes of the 1960's was first evidence of their en masse desire to have peace and healing on a transcendent level.
But this wave is different from all other ambassadors, in that their special programming for the "mission" was not fully activated until later in life (during the 1980s and '90s).
While this is true of many Crystal and Indigo children--I knew I was different from my family at age 18 months.
However, due to my mother's fear of my knowledge, she persistently and consistently shut me down--"Now Dorothy, don't get carried away.
"Occasionally, that message still floats through my mind and I feel a sense of reluctance to share my knowledge and experiences, including this 'risk taking' article.
Crystal and Indigo people thought they were like all humans and only recently did they feel, understand, act differently or become aware of their mission.
So now they know their origins and purposes, for the most part, and many of them became Indigo parents.
How many people are Indigo parents?I am an Indigo parent.
I would be willing to share my knowledge and experience as a parent and now grandparent of four Indigo grandchildren.
Two movies about Indigo children have been released on private label--Indigo The Movie [http://www.
com] and The Indigo Evolutionhttp://www.
They are available for purchase.
I look forward to hearing from you.
In simplest terms, they are ambassadors of healing the Earth and everyone and everything on it.
The first REAL wave of "ambassadors" (a.
starseed, angels, healers, lightworkers, shamans, etc.
) were native Americans as they healed and harmonized with mother earth, but Europeans put an end to that and eventually to the native American way of living.
The ravages of World War I inspired a second attempt at sending in ambassadors with the message of peace as single, unique entities.
However, one can see that Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Edgar Cayce, et al, did not succeed as evidenced by WWII, the Holocaust, Hiroshima and so forth.
It was decided that a real flood of help was required on this highly damaged planet which was getting worse, not better.
A third wave came with the baby-boomers (1946-64).
How many people know they are Crystal and Indigo adults? I would like to share stories.
Born in February 1942, I grew up in rural South Dakota, as a suppressed Indigo child.
In 1994, I reached a state of courage to begin speaking about my profound experiences.
The political and social changes of the 1960's was first evidence of their en masse desire to have peace and healing on a transcendent level.
But this wave is different from all other ambassadors, in that their special programming for the "mission" was not fully activated until later in life (during the 1980s and '90s).
While this is true of many Crystal and Indigo children--I knew I was different from my family at age 18 months.
However, due to my mother's fear of my knowledge, she persistently and consistently shut me down--"Now Dorothy, don't get carried away.
"Occasionally, that message still floats through my mind and I feel a sense of reluctance to share my knowledge and experiences, including this 'risk taking' article.
Crystal and Indigo people thought they were like all humans and only recently did they feel, understand, act differently or become aware of their mission.
So now they know their origins and purposes, for the most part, and many of them became Indigo parents.
How many people are Indigo parents?I am an Indigo parent.
I would be willing to share my knowledge and experience as a parent and now grandparent of four Indigo grandchildren.
Two movies about Indigo children have been released on private label--Indigo The Movie [http://www.
com] and The Indigo Evolutionhttp://www.
They are available for purchase.
I look forward to hearing from you.