Dog Obedience Training - Most Common Mistakes
It is said that every owner of the dog is capable to impart the best dog obedience training provided that he does not repeat the mistakes.
Well, this thought may be superficial but it is true that any owner of dog is prone to mistakes and the majority of owners do that.
In this situation you may do the same if you are the owner too.
This indicates that you must be cautious from the very beginning or else though the repetition of these age-old mistakes you will gain nothing.
Now what are these common mistakes? The first major mistake is that the owners pamper their dogs a lot.
This is simply gratuitous but is done by the majority of them.
Well the reason is not so difficult to ascertain.
An owner who is also the trainer of the dog maintains a close acquaintance with the dog.
This enables him to identify the reactions, temperaments of the dog and also its sympathetic looks along with the demands.
For these reasons the trainer becomes lenient and as a result serious flaws appear in the schedule of training.
What is more an owner doesn\'t consider the act of identifying the breed of the dog as important.
It is highly important and on it depends the course of training.
How? Dogs are in the beginning wild animals and the influences of the related attitudes are passed on through generations.
For this reason the dogs in these days even prefer to live in packs.
Each pack remains under the protection of a leader who is omnipotent and the leader enjoys an authoritarian dominion.
It is heard that the other dogs do not dare to have the lunch or dinner before the leader.
This despotic custom and rule and the fullest utilization of it make other dogs bow before him.
The dogs are acquainted with this attitude only.
For this reason you shall have to establish yourself as the leader of the pack from the very beginning.
If you are able to do this, you can have the control the dog.
The next phase of mistakes occurs during the command training.
It is very important to train the dog through the repetition of simplest commands.
Each command should be unambiguous, specific and should also consist of one word.
Besides, there should not be the presence of any harsh tone.
If there is the presence of any of these, the dog may get confused and hence may fail to perm for that reason.
Once this failure occurs, its subsequent acts will also face the same fate.
You must be cautious so that in no way the confidence of the dog gets affected.
Nonetheless this is the failure of the dog's owner.
But this is always termed as the failure of the dog and it is mercilessly beaten as a result.
The result of this reckless act is more dreadful.
Either it will become more aggressive or timid.
In any way you are the worst loser.
You must rectify these mistakes and encourage the dog for better performances always.
Well, this thought may be superficial but it is true that any owner of dog is prone to mistakes and the majority of owners do that.
In this situation you may do the same if you are the owner too.
This indicates that you must be cautious from the very beginning or else though the repetition of these age-old mistakes you will gain nothing.
Now what are these common mistakes? The first major mistake is that the owners pamper their dogs a lot.
This is simply gratuitous but is done by the majority of them.
Well the reason is not so difficult to ascertain.
An owner who is also the trainer of the dog maintains a close acquaintance with the dog.
This enables him to identify the reactions, temperaments of the dog and also its sympathetic looks along with the demands.
For these reasons the trainer becomes lenient and as a result serious flaws appear in the schedule of training.
What is more an owner doesn\'t consider the act of identifying the breed of the dog as important.
It is highly important and on it depends the course of training.
How? Dogs are in the beginning wild animals and the influences of the related attitudes are passed on through generations.
For this reason the dogs in these days even prefer to live in packs.
Each pack remains under the protection of a leader who is omnipotent and the leader enjoys an authoritarian dominion.
It is heard that the other dogs do not dare to have the lunch or dinner before the leader.
This despotic custom and rule and the fullest utilization of it make other dogs bow before him.
The dogs are acquainted with this attitude only.
For this reason you shall have to establish yourself as the leader of the pack from the very beginning.
If you are able to do this, you can have the control the dog.
The next phase of mistakes occurs during the command training.
It is very important to train the dog through the repetition of simplest commands.
Each command should be unambiguous, specific and should also consist of one word.
Besides, there should not be the presence of any harsh tone.
If there is the presence of any of these, the dog may get confused and hence may fail to perm for that reason.
Once this failure occurs, its subsequent acts will also face the same fate.
You must be cautious so that in no way the confidence of the dog gets affected.
Nonetheless this is the failure of the dog's owner.
But this is always termed as the failure of the dog and it is mercilessly beaten as a result.
The result of this reckless act is more dreadful.
Either it will become more aggressive or timid.
In any way you are the worst loser.
You must rectify these mistakes and encourage the dog for better performances always.